The world is fast-tracking the transition to the green economy but what will be the business model we create for the green world? Fossil fuels resulted in the growth of extractive mining industries – coal, oil, gas -- to the detriment of forest and tribal communities. The new minerals required to charge the green economy – lithium, nickel, cobalt, graphite -- are located in similar areas. Is there a way of making the exploitation of these minerals less harmful for locals on these lands? Sunita Narain argues that unless the new economy is made more inclusive it can neither be called new nor green. Read it here
In other views:
Ajay Shah explains why the economy would be more stable if the exchange rate fluctuated more. Read it here
The top edit says labour mobility must remain a priority for economic diplomacy. Read it here
The second edit assesses the government’s latest effort to address the spam call menace. Read it here