The BJP has stepped up its candidate selection process for the upcoming Delhi Assembly polls, with an average of three probables shortlisted for each of the 70 constituencies, senior party leaders said on Wednesday.
The party is expected to declare candidates around mid-December, a senior Delhi unit functionary said, adding that the candidate selection process has already completed the survey stage.
"Based on the surveys, the names of the three most potential candidates on each of the 70 seats have already been shortlisted by the top leadership of the party," he said.
The BJP, which has been out of power in Delhi since 1998, is hoping to turn the tide by putting its best foot forward for the elections due in February next year.
Party workers and leaders have been visiting the Delhi BJP office with their bio-data every day in the hope of getting an assembly election ticket.
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The party has already shortlisted three most potential candidates from each of the 70 Assembly constituencies. Now, the top national leaders will take a final call about the party candidates from this list, said another senior leader of Delhi BJP.
In the various meetings of the BJP, it was demanded by party leaders that the tickets for the polls should be declared early so that the candidates have enough time for campaigning, he said.
The demand was also raised at the two-day 'Chintan Baithak' of the extended core committee of the Delhi BJP held at Ranthambhore in Rajasthan in September. The meeting was also attended by BJP national general secretary (organisation) BL Santhosh.
It was pointed out by some leaders in the meeting that the early ticket distribution for Lok Sabha polls held in Delhi on May 25 this year, paid off and contributed to the BJP's victory on all the seven seats.
The ruling Aam Aadmi Party has dominated the electoral scene in the Assembly polls so far, routing the BJP in 20215 and 2020. The BJP managed to get just three and eight seats in 2015 and 2020, respectively.
This time, however, leaders of the BJP believe that the opportunity has presented itself for upstaging AAP, which is struggling against a dent in its image due to corruption allegations and issues like the poor condition of water supply, roads and public transport, and pollution.