Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar informed members of parliament (MPs) on Friday about the discovery of currency notes during a routine anti-sabotage check. The wad of cash was found under seat number 222, currently assigned to Congress MP and senior advocate Abhishek Manu Singhvi, representing Telangana.
Abhishek Manu Singhvi is a senior advocate and member of the Congress party, representing Telangana in the Rajya Sabha.
Addressing the House, Dhankhar said, “During the routine anti-sabotage check of the chamber after the adjournment of the House yesterday, a wad of currency notes was recovered by the security officials from seat number 222. The matter was brought to my notice, and I ensured an investigation was initiated, which is currently underway.”
Abhishek Singhvi’s response
Reacting to the news, Singhvi took to X, denying any knowledge of the incident. In his post, Singhvi wrote:
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“Heard of it first time now. Never heard of it till now! I carry one Rs 500 note when I go to RS. First time heard of it. I reached inside the House at 12:57 pm and the House rose at 1 pm. Then I sat in the canteen till 1.30 pm, and I left Parl!”
However, screenshots circulating online revealed an earlier version of Singhvi’s post that included additional details.
The deleted version of the post read: “...then I sat in canteen till 130 pm with Sh Ayodhya Prasad then I left parl! Pl quote me if u do fully”. The edited version omitted a reference to spending time with ‘Sh Ayodhya Prasad’ in the canteen, leading netizens to question the individual mentioned, further fuelling speculations. Singhvi followed up with a video message where he again mentioned his lunch meeting with Ayodhya Prasad, without expanding further on the matter. He added that seats should be locked to ensure security, implying that the notes may have been placed without Singhvi's knowledge.
My short statement in English to some journalists. pic.twitter.com/k0i4KukJMw
— Abhishek Singhvi (@DrAMSinghvi) December 6, 2024
Investigation underway
The recovery of currency notes in the Rajya Sabha chamber has prompted a thorough investigation by parliamentary security officials. Chairman Dhankhar assured the House that appropriate action would follow based on the findings.