In an unusual occurrence, a bull was spotted in an undated video in a State Bank of India (SBI) branch, which is now going viral on social media. The 30-second video, which is said to be from Unnao in Uttar Pradesh, has also sparked a meme fest online as people jokingly wondered what inconvenience the bank might have caused to the cattle.
Notably, former UP Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav also participated in the online trend, taking a political dig at the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which is in power, both in UP and the Centre. In a post in Hindi on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), Yadav said on Wednesday, "What is the mistake of the Saand, someone must have said that the BJP is giving Rs 15 lakh in everyone's account…so, it too must have reached the bank under confusion and misguidance."
The Samajwadi Party chief's remarks were in reference to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's campaign promise of transferring Rs 15 lakh to the people, ahead the 2014 Lok Sabha election. Modi, when he was still a candidate, had said he would bring black money stashed away abroad by Indians back to India and distribute it among the public.
On a lighter note, the netizens made their way into the meme fest, disguising their own usual concerns with the public sector bank as the bull's woes. X user @kumarmanish9, shared the video saying, "SBI must have told the bull that it's lunch time."
Some users joked about the bull still possessing the now withdrawn Rs 2,000 currency notes. "...has come to exchange them probably," a post read.
Similar other memes about taking loans surfaced. Some users also homoursly pointed out that the bull's appearance may be a signal that SBI stocks could witness a "bull run" in the stock market. A bull market is a kind of condition of a market where the prices keep rising or are anticipated to rise continually.