WhatsApp on Tuesday announced a new feature, "Silence Unknown Callers", allowing users to automatically mute incoming calls if they are from an unknown number. When enabled, the app will silence all the signs of incoming calls from unknown numbers, including sound and visual alerts.
However, The calls will be visible on the call list so that the user does not miss an important call.
In a statement, WhatsApp said, "Silence Unknown Callers is designed to give you more privacy and control of your incoming calls. It helps to automatically screen out spam, scams, and calls from unknown people for increased protection. These calls will not ring on your phone, but will be visible in your call list, in case it turns out to be someone important."
The new feature comes after reports of an uptick in spam calls, majorly affecting Indian users, emerged. On May 11, minister of state for IT and Electronics Rajeev Chandrasekhar said the ministry was in the process of sending a notice to WhatsApp on the issue.
Later the same month, the Meta-owned platform announced that it had ramped up its artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) systems to tackle international spam calls. It added that the system has been able to reduce spam calls by up to 50 per cent.
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With the new feature, users can silence any spam call not caught by the company's AI/ML filters.
In addition to the "Silence Unknown Callers" feature, WhatsApp has also launched a "Privacy Checkup" feature. With this, the users will be informed about the privacy and security options on the platform step-by-step.
The checkup covers several categories, including adding additional security to their account using biometric authentication and letting the users decide who can contact them.
How to stop receiving pesky calls using WhatsApp's new feature?
Open WhatsApp
Tap on the three dots on the top right of the screen and then on "Settings"
(Source: Raghav Aggarwal)
Now go to the "Privacy" menu, you will see "Privacy checkup" on top.
(Source: Raghav Aggarwal)
Tap on "Start checkup".
Tap on "Choose who can contact you"
'Choose who can contact you'
In the menu, tap on "Silence unknown callers"
'Silence unknown callers'
On the next page, turn on the "Silence unknown callers" option.
You will no longer receive any calls from a number that is not on your contact list.