Meta’s instant messaging platform WhatsApp is reportedly testing a new privacy feature called alternate profile. Currently in beta, the alternate profile feature lets users restrict access to user profile photo and name to contacts only while displaying an alternate profile photo and name to other users. Essentially, it lets the users on the platform keep a separate profile name and picture for saved contacts and others.
According to a report on Android Authority, the alternate profile is an opt-in feature in beta. It allows users to select an alternate photo and name if they opt to restrict access to their primary profile photo to saved contacts only. This feature is said to improve user privacy on the messaging app, especially for those who contact people outside their saved contacts every day.
The report also stated that WhatsApp has started rolling out a new video call feature for iOS that lets users initiate group calls with up to 31 participants. Previously, Meta owned apps supported group calls for up to 32 participants but only allowed the call to be initiated with a maximum of 15 participants. This update allows group-calls to have 32 participants from the beginning. This feature is currently rolling out only for iOS users with no confirmation of release date on Android.