Speculations were rife for the last few months that Samsung will be reviving its Galaxy Watch 4 smartwatch that was launched in 2021. Rumours indicated that it would be called Galaxy Watch 4 (2024) and brought back to the market as Samsung continues to refresh its other products. Now, some leaks have confirmed that it will be called Galaxy Watch FE. It is expected that the fan-edition watch from Samsung will be around $100 cheaper than Galaxy Watch 6, making it a more economical option. The smartwatch is anticipated to launch at Samsung Unpacked event, which is expected to be held on July 10 in Paris.
It looks like Samsung is gearing up for a series like the Apple Watch. The official website of Samsung displays the name Galaxy Watch FE with a 40mm, Bluetooth variant in black in the business section. Blue and rose models were also spotted in previous leaks. No images were found on the website, but the URL slug and metadata mentions the name Galaxy Watch FE.
According to 9to5Google, another leak disclosed that the watch will be powered by the current version of Samsung’s Wear OS skin. The upcoming Watch 7 series wearable is expected to run One UI 6 Watch based on Wear OS 5.
Images suggesting the look and design of the watch have been circulating online and suggest it will feature a 1.2-inch super AMOLED screen with 1.5GB of RAM, and 16GB of storage. It is also expected to boast a 247mAh battery and support wireless charging. The is also expected to be powered by Exynos W920 Dual Core chipset and include connectivity options like Bluetooth 5.0, NFC, GPS, Wi-Fi 802 and more.