Chinese smartphone brand Huawei has launched its Watch GT 5 Pro in India. The smartwatch comes with various features for tracking fitness and health, such as ECG (Electrocardiogram) monitoring, stress management and more. The smartwatch is also available in a Titanium Edition crafted from an aerospace-grade titanium alloy.
Huawei Watch GT 5 Pro: Price and availability
- Huawei watch GT5 pro Black: Rs 29,999
- Huawei watch GT5 pro Titanium: Rs 39,999
Both variants of the smartwatch are now available in India on e-commerce platforms Amazon and Flipkart.
Huawei Watch GT 5 Pro: Details
Huawei said that the Watch GT 5 Pro is fully compatible with both iOS and Android-powered smartphones. This enables functionalities such as Bluetooth calling and text reply features. The company also claimed a battery life of up to 14 days on a single charge.
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As for health-related features, the Huawei Watch GT 5 Pro offers stress management, heart rate tracking, SpO2 monitoring, and sleep analysis features. Specialised health features include ECG analysis, dedicated features for women's health tracking and more. The company said that the watch also offers an emotional wellness assistant that helps manage "stress and mood."
For fitness enthusiasts, the watch includes over 100 workout modes, including activities such as golf, trail jogging, and free diving. For outdoor activities, the Watch GT 5 Pro also offers real-time navigation, wrist-based route guidance, and offline maps.
As for the design of the smartwatch, Huawei said that the Watch GT 5 Pro features a titanium alloy bezel, an iconic crown, a nanocrystal ceramic body, and a sapphire glass screen. The company also claimed that the smartwatch comes with an IP69 rating for dust and water resistance.