The Samsung Galaxy A15 5G and Galaxy A25 5G smartphones are now available for purchase in India. Offered in blue black, blue and light blue colours, the Galaxy A15 5G smartphone comes with up to 8GB RAM and 256GB on-board storage, starting at Rs 22,499. The Galaxy A25 5G smartphone is offered in blue black, blue, and yellow colours, and up to 8GB RAM and 256GB storage configuration at Rs 29,999 onwards. Both the smartphones are available online on Samsung India store, and offline at select e-commerce platforms and Samsung retail channels. The smartphones are available with introductory offers in which consumers can avail discounts of up to Rs 1,500 on the Galaxy A15 5G and up to Rs 3,000 on the Galaxy A25 5G using SBI bank cards.
Samsung Galaxy A15 5G: Prices
8GB RAM + 256GB storage: Rs 22,499
8GB RAM + 128GB Storage: Rs 19,499
Samsung Galaxy A25 5G: Prices
8GB RAM + 256GB storage: Rs 29,999
8GB RAM + 128GB Storage: Rs 26,999
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Samsung Galaxy A15 5G: Specifications
The Galaxy A15 5G smartphone sports a 6.5-inch fullHD+ super AMOLED display of 90Hz refresh rate. The smartphone supports “Vision Booster” technology, which the company said would enhance the display's visibility in bright outdoor conditions. The smartphone is powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 6100+ processor, paired with 8GB RAM. It packs a 5,000mAh battery, supported by 25W fast wired charging. The smartphone boots Android 14 operating system with Samsung OneUI layered on top. Samsung said the Galaxy A15 5G smartphone will get up to 4 generations of OS upgrades and up to 5 years of security updates.
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As for the cameras, there is a triple-camera system on the rear, featuring a 50-megapixel main sensor with VDIS technology for reducing blur and distortion in videos. A 5MP ultra-wide-angle sensor and a 2MP macro sensor completes the rear camera setup. On the front, the phone sports a 13MP camera sensor.
Samsung Galaxy A25 5G: Specifications
The Galaxy A25 5G smartphone has a 6.5-inch fullHD+ super AMOLED display of 120Hz refresh rates. The smartphone is powered by a 5nm architecture based Exynos 1280 chipset. The smartphone boots Android 14 operating system-based Samsung OneUI. Similar to the A15 5G, the Galaxy A25 5G would receive up to 4 generations of OS upgrades and up to 5 years of security updates.
The Galaxy A25 5G sports a triple-camera set-up on the rear – a 50MP primary sensor with OIS, an 8MP ultra-wide-angle sensor, and a 2MP macro lens. On the front, the Galaxy A25 5G features a 13MP camera sensor. The Galaxy A25 5G comes with AI-powered imaging features such as Single Take, Remaster, and Object Eraser. Like the Galaxy A15 5G, the Galaxy A25 5G has a 5,000mAh battery.