South Korean electronics maker Samsung on October 25 launched in India the Galaxy SmartTag2, its second-generation location-tracking device. The Galaxy SmartTag2 is offered in black and white colours at Rs 2,799. It is available for purchase online on Samsung Online Store and e-commerce platform Amazon India, and offline at Samsung exclusive stores.
“With significant upgrades to its predecessor, Galaxy SmartTag2 is designed to be more intuitive, more versatile and enables new and better ways of keeping track of your valuables. Galaxy SmartTag2’s compact design and usability create even more use cases for the device than ever before,” said Samsung in a statement announcing the Galaxy SmartTag2 launch in India.
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The Galaxy SmartTag2 features an ultrawide-band chip for location tracking function. Besides, Samsung has tuned the chip to make it work in tandem with internet-of-things (IoT) devices for contextual experiences. Samsung has also worked on the interface side to make the Galaxy SmartTag2 better than the first-generation model. For example, there is now an improved “Compass View” feature that provides visual cues for directions. This mode, however, is available on Galaxy smartphones with ultrawide-band chips such as the Galaxy S23 Ultra.
In the Galaxy SmartTag2, Samsung has added a new “Lost Mode” feature. This feature uses the NFC display of the device to register the user’s contact information via a message. With this, anyone who discovers an item with a Galaxy SmartTag2 attached can use his or her smartphone to scan the tag, see the owner’s message, and contact information.
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The Galaxy SmartTag2 boasts IP67 rating for water and dust resistance. Its dimension stands at 28.8 x 52.44 x 8.0 mm and weighs 13.75 g. Samsung said the Galaxy SmartTag2 has a battery life of up to 500 days in normal mode, and up to 700 days in power saving mode.