Samsung has introduced the Galaxy Watch FE, its maiden Fan Edition smartwatch focused on health-and-fitness features. Slated for launch in summer this year, the Samsung Galaxy Watch FE is packed with advanced health monitoring features, including blood pressure monitoring and electrocardiogram (ECG). Moreover, Samsung said that the smartwatch will support over 100 workout modes.
Galaxy Watch FE: Design
Offered in 40mm size, the Galaxy Watch FE will be available in black, pink gold, and solver colours. It will come with new watch bands, featuring blue and orange stitching, with a one-click mechanism for easy replacement. The smartwatch will feature a Sapphire Crystal glass for durability.
Galaxy Watch FE: Health features
Samsung said the Galaxy Watch FE will sport the company’s BioActive Sensor, which enables a suite of health monitoring features. The Galaxy Watch FE will support sleep monitoring functionality to deliver sleep pattern analysis and sleep coaching. The smartwatch will support heart rate monitoring capabilities that will offer heart rate alerts when abnormal high or low heart rates are detected. These capabilities enable monitoring Irregular Heart Rhythm Notification (IHRN) feature the monitors heart rhythms suggestive of atrial fibrillation (Afib). Other health features include blood pressure monitoring and electrocardiogram (ECG).
Galaxy Watch FE: Fitness features
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Samsung said that the Galaxy Watch FE will offer more than 100 different workout modes and will come with features such as running analysis and “Personalized Heart Rate Zone” for users to better analyse their performance. The smartwatch will also come with a “Body Composition” feature, which it said will offer comprehensive body and fitness data as indicators to track progress.
Galaxy Watch FE: Ecosystem
The Samsung Galaxy Watch FE will allow users to locate their phones when disconnected from their Watch with Find My Phone functionality. Users will also be able to control their Samsung Galaxy smartphone’s camera with camera controller to switch mode, change angle or zoom right from the wrist.