Japanese electronics giant Sony on January 4 launched the Float Run wireless headphones in India. Purpose built for runners and athletes, Sony said the headphones provide a comfortable and secure fit without compromising on sound quality. The Sony Float Run headphones are now available for purchase across Sony retail stores and select electronic stores, and online on Sony Center website and e-commerce platforms at Rs 10,990.
Sony Float Run: Features
Weighing approximately 33 grams, the Float Run headphones feature an off-ear design. These headphones are designed to fill the user’s ears, but not cover them, so they can be aware of their surroundings – said Sony. The company said that it has tested the flexible neckband design of the headphones on a wide range of head shapes to ensure a stable and secure fit. The neckband style headphones are IPX4 certified for protection against sweat and splashes.
The Float Run headphones boast 16mm drivers, specifically tuned to fit with the off-ear design. The company said that the unique design eliminates echo and eliminates unnecessary sounds such as footsteps and heavy breathing noise. The design also allows music to mix with ambient sound from the surrounding for a spatial effect.
Sony said that a quick charge of ten minutes would power up the battery on the headphones to provide an hour of playtime. The Float Run headphones support wired charging using USB-C. The headphones include a carrying pouch out of the box.
Other features include built-in controls for music playback and voice assistant and built-in microphone to attend calls.