American semiconductor company Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) on Friday announced plans to invest $400 million in India over the next five year. The planned investment includes a new AMD campus in Bangalore, Karnataka that will serve as the company’s largest design center, as well as the addition of approximately 3,000 new engineering roles by the end of 2028. The AMD new campus is expected to open before the end of 2023.
AMD said its investment is supported by the various policy initiatives of the Government of India focused on the semiconductor industry.
“I welcome AMD's decision to set up its largest R&D design center in India and expansion of the India-AMD partnership. It will certainly play an important role in building a world class semiconductor design and innovation ecosystem. It will also provide tremendous opportunities for our large pool of highly skilled semiconductor engineers and researchers and will catalyse PM Narendra Modi’s vision of India becoming a global talent hub," said Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Minister of State for Electronics and IT, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.
AMD has been present in India’s semiconductor ecosystem since 2001, when the company’s first site was established in New Delhi. The upcoming new 500,000-square-foot Bangalore campus is said to increase its office footprint to 10 total locations across Bangalore, Delhi, Gurgaon, Hyderabad and Mumbai.
"From a handful of employees in 2001 to more than 6,500 employees today, AMD has grown its India footprint based on the strong foundation established by our local leadership and the highly skilled talent pool,” said Mark Papermaster, executive vice president and chief technology officer, AMD. “By further investing and expanding our presence in Bangalore, we are committed to driving innovation in India to support the India Semiconductor Mission.”