Apple is reportedly getting ready to bring major updates to its wearable devices in 2024. According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, the Apple Airpods, Watches, and the Vision Pro headset would take the centre stage next year. No major change, however, is expected in the iPhone line except for cosmetic changes.
According to a Bloomberg report, Apple plans to keep the design of the iPhone 16 models similar to the current generation models. The only major change expected on the company's smartphone category is an increase in screen size on the Pro variant. In the non-pro models, Apple is likely to bring the Action button, which debuted this year on the Pro variants. Apple is also expected to add a dedicated button for recording a video on the iPhone 16 models.
On the other hand, Apple is expected to completely overhaul the lower-end AirPods in 2024. The non-Pro models are expected to have an updated design, a new redesigned case and USB type-C charging port. The mid-tier model is also expected to get some Pro-like features such as Active Noise Cancellation.
In his report, Gurman said that Apple is also looking to add a set of new hardware and software features to the AirPod Max headphones with USB-C and new colour options. Currently under development, Apple’s hearing aid functionality is also expected to make its debut in late 2024 on the company's select audio devices.
The AirPods Pro are expected to get an update in 2025 with features such as body-temperature monitoring and health tracking.
According to Gurman’s report, the 2024’s Apple Watch line-up could see at least one variant getting a new look while a new set of health features are expected to be added on the smartwatch range. Apple has been working on hypertension and sleep Apnea detection features that would likely be the highlight of the next-generation Apple Watch lineup.
Earlier, Gurman reported that the launch date of Apple’s mixed reality headset has been pushed to March from January due to difficulties in shaping up the distribution plans for the product. In his recent report, Gurman said the launch is expected soon as Apple has invited several retail employees in January to get training for the Vision Pro headset.