Apple is reportedly planning to update the MacBook Pro and iMac devices with M4 by later this year. According to a report by 9To5Mac, citing Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, next-generation Mac models with the M4 series chips are on track to launch this year. Gurman also said that the company could launch a new Mac mini this year.
Apple launched the M4 chip alongside the new iPad Pro model at the “Let Loose” event back in May.
According to the report, the MacBook Pro and iMac models that were updated last year with the M3 series chip could get new M4 chip-powered versions later this year. Gurman also said that MacBook Air, Mac Studio, and Mac Pro will receive their M4 updates, but these are planned for 2025. While the update is only expected to bring performance boost with the latest Apple Silicon, Apple is expected to pack USB-C accessories for the iMac as the current version still uses accessories with lightning connectivity.
As per the report, Gurman in his newsletter said “…though the M4 overhaul will mostly focus on making the computers more powerful, there’s at least one Mac model that will get more dramatic changes.” This could be a new Mac mini model which the analyst said is scheduled for launch this year. Mac mini was last updated in January 2023 with the M2 Pro chip and is yet to feature an M3 powered model. However, Apple could skip a generation and introduce a new Mac mini with an M4 series chip instead. The company could do the same for the Mac Pro model which was last updated in 2022 and still features an M2 Ultra chip.
Apple Mac mini and Mac Pro models have mostly remained the same in terms of design over the past generations. It is also possible that Apple could bring a major design overhaul for both the devices.