Apple Watch Series 10 is reportedly set to feature a larger display and a sleek design. According to a Bloomberg report, Apple plans to introduce significant changes to the standard Apple Watch in the next generation series to commemorate its tenth anniversary. The next-generation Apple Watch could sport a display size similar to the Apple Watch Ultra models. Additionally, Apple might brand the next Watch series as an anniversary model, similar to how the company rebranded the 2017 iPhone model as iPhone “X”.
Apple Watch Series 10 and Ultra 3: Design
According to the Bloomberg report, Apple has internally codenamed two models of the Watch Series 10 as N217 and N218. Both models are anticipated to feature larger displays, comparable in size to the Apple Watch Ultra’s display. Additionally, these watches are expected to be thinner while maintaining a design similar to the current generation model.
As for the next-generation Apple Watch Ultra, the report indicated that the high-end model is not expected to undergo significant design changes.
Apple Watch Series 10 and Ultra 3: Performance and Apple Intelligence
Both the Apple Watch Series 10 and Watch Ultra 3 are expected to be powered by a new chip. This new processor is reportedly designed to support future AI-powered tools and features, although Apple Intelligence AI features will not be integrated into the wearables at this time.
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Apple Watch Series 10 and Ultra 3: Features
Apple intended to introduce new health monitoring features, including high blood pressure detection and Sleep Apnea detection, in this year’s Apple Watch models. However, these features have been delayed due to reliability issues during testing. The Sleep Apnea detection feature, in particular, requires blood oxygen saturation level measurement, which has led to a legal dispute with Masimo Corp.
The report suggested that Apple could announce the new features at the anticipated launch event in late September but may not release them until a later date.
Apple is also working on glucose monitoring for Apple Watches, but this feature is not expected to be available on the Apple Watch Series 10 this year.