Apple is reportedly producing Pro models of its upcoming iPhone 16 series in India. While there have been multiple reports about Apple potentially starting assembly of the iPhone 16 Pro line in India, images of the box for an India-made iPhone 16 Pro have recently surfaced online, according to 9To5Mac. An image shared on the Chinese social media platform Weibo shows the label on the seal of an iPhone 16 Pro box stating “Assembled in India.”
"Assembled in India" label for iPhone 16 Pro (Image: 9To5Mac)
Earlier, Money Control reported that Apple, through its partner Foxconn, aims to diversify iPhone production beyond China and enhance its manufacturing presence in India. Bloomberg reported similarly but added that while Foxconn could start assembling iPhone 16 Pro models “within weeks of their launch,” Apple’s other partners in India, such as Pegatron and Tata Group, would follow shortly after.
Despite local assembly, it is expected that the majority of iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max units produced in India will be exported to markets such as Europe, West Asia, and the United States. This is due to the relatively lower domestic demand for high-end iPhone models in India.
Apple introduced India-made iPhone 15 models at last year’s launch, expanding to include the iPhone 15 Plus model. However, the iPhone 16 series will be the first to include India-made Pro and Pro Max models. This expansion in manufacturing is expected to increase India’s share of global iPhone production from 14 to 25 per cent by next year.