Chinese smartphone maker Realme on Wednesday launched in India the Narzo N55. The smartphone is offered in 4GB RAM + 64GB storage and 6GB RAM + 128GB storage configurations at Rs 10,999 and 12,999, respectively. It will be available for purchase on the e-commerce platform Amazon India and Realme online store from April 18 to April 21. Ahead of the open sale, the phone will be available in live sale on April 13 at 12 pm on Amazon India and Realme online store. In both the live sale and open sale, the phone will be available with introductory offer in which customers can avail of up to Rs 1,000 discount.
Realme Narzo N55: Specifications
Powered by MediaTek Helio G88 processor, the Realme Narzo N55 sports a 6.72-inch fullHD+ IPS LCD screen of 90Hz refresh rate and 180Hz touch sampling rate. It has a dual-camera set-up on the back, featuring a 64-megapixel primary camera sensor paired with a 2MP monochrome sensor. On the front, it has an 8MP camera sensor. Camera features include AI scene recognition, night mode, panoramic view, portrait mode, street, HDR, starry, chroma boost, bokeh flare portrait, AI colour portrait. It boots Android 13 operating system-based Realme UI 4.0.
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Powered by a 5,000 mAh battery, the phone supports 33W SuperVOOC wired charging. According to Realme, the smartphone can be charged 50 per cent in 29 minutes and reaches 100 per cent capacity in 63 minutes. The phone has a proximity sensor, light sensor, and acceleration sensor. Other features include a side-mounted fingerprint scanner, microSD card slot for storage expansion, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3.5mm audio jack, dual-SIM support, and USB-C port for charging and data transfers. The Realme Narzo N55 will be available in prime blue and prime black colour variants.