South Korean electronics maker Samsung at its AI Forum announced Gauss, its in-house generative artificial intelligence model. The AI model encompasses Gauss language model, Gauss Code, and Gauss generative image model. Samsung’s generative-AI model is named after mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss.
Samsung said Gauss is a language model that is capable of generating text, composing emails, editing and summarising documents, and translating languages. It added that integrating Gauss language into products would enable smarter device control.
According to Samsung, the Gauss code and coding assistant are based on the Gauss language and are optimised for in-house software development, allowing developers to code easily.
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Speaking about multi-modal support, Samsung said its Gauss Image is a generative image model that is capable of generating and editing creative images and would have the feature for upscaling low-resolution images.
Alongside the gen-AI models, Samsung announced that it has constituted an “AI Red Team” based on the principles of AI ethics. According to Samsung, the AI Red Team would eliminate and monitor security and privacy issues that may arise in the AI implementation process – ranging from data collection to AI model development and AI generated results.
Speaking on the launch of the new Gen-AI model, Vice President Samsung Research, Daehyun Kim said, “We will continue to support and collaborate with the industry and academia on generative AI research.”
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Samsung said Gauss is currently being used for employee productivity, but would be expanded soon to a variety of Samsung product applications for general users.