Samsung has unveiled the beta version of its upcoming Android 15-based One UI 7 interface, referred to as “AI OS” by the company. The update brings new artificial intelligence features, including advanced writing tools, call transcription, and enhanced on-device AI capabilities. Additionally, the One UI 7 introduces a refreshed design and improved security features.
Samsung One UI 7 beta: What is new
Galaxy AI
Writing tools: One UI 7 expands the existing set of writing tools in Galaxy AI. It now includes advanced features like Summarise, Writing Style, Spelling and Grammar checks, and text formatting into bullet points. These tools are integrated into the keyboard and accessible across the system wherever text can be selected.
Call transcripts: The update adds support for call transcription in 20 languages, including Hindi and English (India). When call recording is enabled, calls are automatically transcribed for later reference.
Samsung has announced that the official One UI 7 release, which will debut with the Galaxy S series, will include additional AI capabilities such as enhanced on-device functions.
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Design changes
Now Bar on lock screen: This new feature highlights activities such as Interpreter, Music, Recording, and Stopwatch directly on the lock screen. The bar appears at the bottom of the screen, between lock screen widgets, and will be supported on upcoming Galaxy S-series devices.
Updated Camera app: A redesigned camera interface offers more intuitive control over advanced settings. Camera buttons, controls, and modes have been reorganised, and manual settings in Pro modes have been simplified.
System redesign: The update features notable design changes, including:
- New app icons
- Simplified home screen
- Redesigned widgets
- A revamped lock screen design
- New charging animation and battery icon
- Live notifications
Knox Matrix dashboard: A centralised dashboard for monitoring the security of connected devices across the Samsung ecosystem.
Enhanced Data Protection: Introduces a new recovery method for retrieving data stored on Samsung Cloud. Connected devices are kept synchronised, ensuring no loss of data even if a device is lost.
Passkeys support: Users can now create and use passkeys to log into their Samsung Account.
Maximum Restrictions: Users can block 2G service and prevent data interception on unsafe networks. The feature also prevents unintended reconnection to certain Wi-Fi networks.
Theft protection: Built-in Android 15 features include Theft Detection Lock, Offline Device Lock, and Remote Lock. Galaxy-exclusive features require biometric authentication for changing key security settings in unfamiliar locations.
Samsung One UI 7 beta: Compatibility
The One UI 7 beta is available on select Galaxy smartphones in regions including India, Germany, South Korea, Poland, the UK, and the US. Compatible devices include:
- Samsung Galaxy S24
- Samsung Galaxy S24 Plus
- Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra
Samsung’s foldables, Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Z Flip 6, are expected to gain access to the beta soon.
Samsung One UI 7 beta: How to install
To install the One UI 7 beta on a Galaxy device, users need to follow these steps:
- Log in with a Samsung account.
- Open the Samsung Members app.
- Tap on the “Notices” icon.
- Select “Registration for One UI 7 Beta Program.”
- Tap the “Join Now” image.
- Agree to the terms by selecting Enroll and then Agree.
- Once enrolled, go to Settings > Software Update > Download and install.
- Reboot the device if it does not do so automatically.