Samsung is reportedly planning to preview its extended reality (XR) glasses in January during the launch event for its Galaxy S25 series flagship smartphones. According to a report by 9To5Mac, citing South Korean news outlet Yonhap News, the January reveal is expected to feature only a teaser image or video of Samsung’s XR glasses, while the full launch is planned for the third quarter of 2025 alongside the next-generation Galaxy Z foldable smartphones. This strategy mirrors the company's handling of the Galaxy Ring, which was teased alongside the Galaxy S24 series, showcased in detail at the Mobile World Congress in February, and launched in July.
Software platform unveiling
While the Samsung XR glasses are slated for next year, the company may introduce its Android-powered XR software platform, developed in collaboration with Google and Qualcomm, later this month. The platform, reportedly designed to power Samsung's XR ecosystem, could be showcased in some form before the end of 2024.
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Samsung XR glasses: What to expect
Last month, 9To5Google reported that the Samsung XR glasses would be powered by Qualcomm’s AR1 chip, the same processor used in Ray-Ban Meta glasses. The device is expected to include:
- Camera: A 12MP camera for recording and other functionalities.
- Battery: A compact 155mAh battery.
- Form factor: The glasses are unlikely to feature a built-in display due to weight and size considerations.
Instead of conventional displays, the glasses will likely rely on Google’s Gemini artificial intelligence for advanced capabilities. AI integration is anticipated to support features such as:
- Natural language processing
- Real-time data processing
- Gesture recognition
- Human detection
- QR code recognition
- Payment functionalities
The Qualcomm AR1 chip is expected to enable standalone operation. However, Samsung may enhance usability through ecosystem integration, allowing seamless connectivity with Galaxy smartphones and Galaxy Watches.