Apple is reportedly positioning its Vision Pro headset as a gaming device by introducing support for Sony’s PlayStation VR2 hand controllers. According to a Bloomberg report, Apple has partnered with Sony to ensure compatibility between the PS VR2’s dual hand controllers and its mixed reality headset. Discussions are also underway with game developers to enhance the range of games available on the Vision Pro.
While the Vision Pro headset already supports PlayStation 5 and Xbox controllers, these are not specifically designed for virtual space gaming. The PS VR2 controllers, on the other hand, are tailored for Sony’s virtual reality gaming console and feature six degrees of freedom (6DOF), enabling precise control and movement in virtual spaces. Incorporating this technology could significantly enhance the gaming experience on the Vision Pro.
Beyond gaming, Apple is reportedly exploring the use of PS VR2 controllers for navigating the visionOS interface. According to the report, the controller’s thumbstick and directional pad could facilitate scrolling, while the trigger button could replace the finger pinch gesture for selecting items.
Currently, Sony does not sell its PS VR2 controllers as standalone devices. However, Apple is said to be working on a plan to retail the controllers separately through its own network, similar to how PlayStation 5 controllers are sold. The companies were initially expected to announce this partnership a few weeks ago, but the rollout has reportedly been delayed.
In addition to collaborating with Sony, Apple is developing its own controlling device for the Vision Pro. Referred to as the “Wand” in prototype form, this accessory is expected to offer Apple Pencil-like functionality for precision tasks rather than gaming.