Meta is reportedly working with Google to tackle the spread of misinformation on its instant messaging platform, WhatsApp. After testing the reverse image search feature for WhatsApp on Android, the feature is likely being tested for the WhatsApp web client as well. According to a report by WABetaInfo, the new feature will allow users to evaluate the credibility of shared images on the platform and gather additional context.
According to the report, WhatsApp in its latest beta for the web version "is exploring" the implementation of the feature which will allow users to search images on the web with Google Search. It will allow users to upload a photo to Google to perform a reverse image search to see if the image exists on the web. This will let them get more context of the image and will help them determine if the image has been manipulated. The report also stated that images uploaded to Google for image search will be handled by Google, and WhatsApp will not have access to the content of the image.
WhatsApp is also testing a similar feature for its Android app. Last month, it was reported that a new "Search on web" option for images within WhatsApp will allow users to perform a reverse image search. Currently available in beta, the new option is available on the overflow menu accessible through the three-dot button in the image viewing interface of WhatsApp.
This new feature is akin to Google's existing reverse image search, but its integration within WhatsApp makes it more convenient. Users can perform the search without needing to download the image and re-upload it to Google via a separate app or browser, as the option is directly available in WhatsApp.
While Meta has not officially confirmed the availability of the new reverse image search feature, it is expected to be available soon on the WhatsApp Android app and WhatsApp Web in the coming weeks.