Xiaomi has introduced its Pad 7 tablet in India, featuring the Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Plus Gen 3 System-on-Chip. It is also available in a Nano Texture Display version designed to minimize glare and reflection for a more comfortable viewing experience. The tablet operates on the Android 15-based HyperOS 2 interface, incorporating AI-driven features to enhance productivity.
The OnePlus 13, the latest flagship smartphone from the Chinese brand OnePlus, has become available in India. Announced at the company’s Winter Launch Event on January 7, the device is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite processor. It is equipped with a camera system developed in collaboration with Swedish optics brand Hasselblad and runs on the Android 15-based Oxygen OS 15, which includes AI-powered tools for imaging and productivity.
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Indian accessory maker DailyObjects has unveiled the LOOP series of MagSafe-compatible power banks, which are said to be the first Qi2-certified power banks in the country. With capacities reaching up to 20,000mAh, the LOOP series supports 15W fast wireless charging. Qi2 certification ensures these power banks work seamlessly with various smartphones and accessories adhering to the Qi2 wireless charging standard.
Xiaomi's Redmi 14C 5G smartphone is now up for sale in India. Powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 System-on-Chip, it supports dual 5G SIM cards. Starting at Rs 9,999, the device offers a "Premium Starlight Design" featuring a glass back panel.
Google is reportedly experimenting with an AI-driven feature that creates personalised daily podcasts based on users’ online interactions. According to a report by 9To5Google, the feature, called Daily Listen, is currently being tested on Google's Search Labs platform in the US for Android and iOS users.
There has been a surge in Google searches in the US for how to delete Facebook, Instagram, and Threads accounts following Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement of major changes to the platform’s content moderation approach. The adjustments include discontinuing the third-party fact-checking system, easing moderation guidelines, and reintroducing more political content into user feeds, according to TechCrunch.
Meta has declared the discontinuation of its third-party fact-checking programme in the US. The company plans to transition to a model based on user-generated “Community Notes” to assess the accuracy of content shared across its platforms.