Messaging application WhatsApp, together with social media platforms Telegram and Instagram, continues to be the prime target for online scammers, according to a latest report from the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).
In the first three months of 2024, there was a total of 43,797 complaints of cyber fraud related to WhatsApp, 22,680 against Telegram, and 19,800 regarding Instagram.
Money laundering and cyber slavery
The MHA’s annual report for 2023-24 highlights that cyber fraudsters are increasingly using Google services, especially the Google Advertisement platform, to run scams targeting users across borders. One of the common scams reported is the ‘Pig Butchering Scam’ or ‘Investment Scam’, which is a global issue involving money laundering and even cyber slavery.
“Vulnerable groups such as unemployed youth, housewives, students, and people in financial need are being lured into these scams, often losing large amounts of money, including borrowed funds,” the report reads.
Collaborations to tackle cyber crimes
In address the rising online frauds, the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C) has partnered with platforms like Google and Facebook to share intelligence, identify and block illegal digital lending apps, and combat the abuse of platforms such as Google’s Firebase (used for hosting). It also focuses on identifying malicious Android banking malware and other cyber threats. I4C is also working on enhancing the skills of law enforcement, forensic examiners, prosecutors, and judges across India, providing specialised training in cybersecurity and digital forensics.
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The collaboration between government agencies and tech platforms like Facebook is crucial for preventing these scams and protecting users from online fraud.
Online portal for cybercrime reporting
The Government of India’s National Cybercrime Reporting Portal enables victims and complainants to file cybercrime complaints online. It’s a user-friendly platform that focuses on addressing various cybercrimes, with special attention to offenses against women and children.
The portal covers crimes like hacking, identity theft, online fraud, and cyberbullying. Users can submit complaints, upload supporting evidence, and monitor the progress of their cases. Additionally, the portal provides resources such as cyber safety tips and guidelines to help users prevent cyber incidents.