The stock fell 9 per cent from its early morning high on profit-booking after the management lowered FY20 revenue/profit guidance considering slowdown in end-use industries.
Aarti Industries hit a new high of Rs 1,714, rallying 1704 per cent in the past five years from the level of Rs 95 on the BSE.
Aarti Industries will supply a high value speciality chemical intermediate to SABIC Innovative Plastics US LLC over a period of 20 years
The stock hit 52-week high of Rs 1,130, up 8% on the BSE in early morning trade after the company said that its board approved the share buyback at price of Rs 1,200 per share through tender offer.
The stock up 5% to Rs 740 after the company said board approved the buyback of shares at a price of Rs 800 per share via tender offer.