Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Thursday said that his government has not imposed any additional taxes on the people for implementing various welfare schemes. He maintained that the state government was able to carry out the welfare activities due to the support of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He was speaking at a programme where beneficiaries of the 'Orunodoi 2.0' scheme were handed their cards. Under the scheme, economically weak families receive Rs 1,250 in the bank account of the woman member every month to meet various household expenses. Under 'Orunodoi 2.0', around 7 lakh new names will be added to the list of beneficiaries, taking the total to 26 lakh. Over 25,000 new beneficiaries of Jorhat district received their cards at the programme. Taking on opposition parties for criticising the government for creating 'beneficiaries' through its various schemes, Sarma said, "As the chief minister, I will, of course, look to create 'hitadhikaris' (beneficiaries). "Thes
Improved profitability, compliance lead to jump in direct taxes
From linking PAN card and Aadhaar Card to submission of updated income tax return (ITR), failure to meet these deadlines may lead to financial losses
The apex court gave this suggestion while hearing the case of the National Co-operative Development Corporation (NCDC)
However, no GST on transaction of funds between companies by way of repayment of existing loans, or availment of fresh loans without any interest component
Nasscom demands clarity over the ruling, while legal experts said any tripartite contract may have to pay GST