With the checks and balances now in place, we are in a position to consider greater product and innovation flexibility to AIFs, Ananth Narayan, a whole-time member of Sebi board said
The new rules ensure that investors in AIFs receive returns and bear risks in proportion to their financial commitment to the scheme, making it a fairer system.
Proposal will help address concerns about evergreening of loans
The company says it manages over Rs 3.3 trillion through its various mutual fund, PMS, AIF and other products
Such funds use complex trading strategies through investments in listed, unlisted stocks and derivatives.
Such investors have had to bear higher taxes on their investment because of the goods and services tax (GST) borne by such funds, which is ultimately passed on to the investors
PAN requirement will no longer apply to such investors
AIF refers to any fund established or incorporated in India which is a privately pooled investment vehicle that collects funds from sophisticated investors, whether Indian or foreign
The regulator may also conduct regulatory audits on the AIFs to examine the fund sourcing arrangements with investors to ensure that the present regulations are not violated