Mizoram Chief Minister Lalduhoma said his government has decided to remove non-performing employees from service. During a meeting to review the initiatives of the Education department held in Aizawl, Lalduhoma on Tuesday said that committees are being formed in departments to review the services of employees under the state government. He said that initiatives were taken to ensure a qualified and efficient workforce. "We feel that it is better we relieve all unqualified employees, who are no longer worth to be employed, to exit from their services as per norms. We are committed to having efficient employees, who maintain good quality of services," the chief minister told the meeting. Lalduhoma said that his government is taking steps to ensure that all projects are executed properly and effectively. "Projects are being closely monitored by the state project monitoring committee, which has inspected about 40 ongoing projects so far. We will be stringent in implementing and monitor
Mizoram became the first state in India to operationalise an ABDM microsite; under the project, all healthcare facilities including the private clinics, and labs will be made ABDM-enabled
At least 4 people were killed and 18 others injured when a petrol tanker caught fire and exploded in Mizoram's Aizawl district on Saturday evening, police said. The incident occurred at Tuirial village, about 18 kilometres east of the state capital, at around 6 pm when the tanker was going to Champhai. The tanker caught fire when locals tried to collect petrol oozing out of the tanker due to some reason. Four people were charred to death, while 18 others were hospitalised with burn injuries. The condition of five of them was critical, the police said.
At least 4 people were killed and 10 others injured after a tanker carrying petrol caught fire in Mizoram's Aizawl district on Saturday evening
The Mizoram government is making efforts to set up a rail-fed Petroleum Oil Lubricant (POL) depot near Aizawl, an official statement said on Thursday. The depot is planned to be set up at Sihhmui, about 22 km from here, it said. Chief minister Zoramthanga on Thursday convened a meeting with officials of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, and reviewed proposals of the company for setting up of the new depot. It would be rail-fed when construction of the broad gauge railway line between Bairabi and Sairang is completed, officials said. Mizoram does not have any oil depot, and most supplies come from Assam, they said.
Mizoram Chief Minister Zoramthanga tendered a public apology after her daughter Milari Chhangte was seen assaulting a doctor at a clinic in Aizawl in a viral video
The lockdown in Aizawl was extended till November 9 to curb the rising number of Covid-19 cases, an official said
Several houses and buildings in Champhai district, including a church in Zokhawthar, have been damaged due to the quake
In another incident, two houses collapsed in a landslide at Kepran n Aizawl district