As vote counting for the Haryana Assembly elections progresses, Arjun Chautala has emerged as a frontrunner in Rania. However, the Chautala family faces a tough challenge from both the BJP & Congress
Dangi went to 'Meham Chaubeesi' for support. The khap ruled in favour of Dangi and conveyed its decision to Devi Lal, who rejected the organisation's validity. A political battle was on.
Dushyant Chautala alleged that during the farmers' agitation, Congress made every effort to vitiate the atmosphere in the state
In the years to come, Dushyant may need to compete for the leadership of the Jat community with Hooda's son Deepender, and other Jat leaders
Announcement of the new party was made at a rally at Jind, considered as the political heartland of the state