Firm aims to achieve Rs 1,500 a tonne; LME prices of metal stood at $1,756 a tonne as on November 14. At this price point, 10% of the global smelters are incurring cash losses
Aluminium prices are expected to soften by 1.7% in 2020 after an expected decline of 15.1% in calendar 2019
The prevailing economic slump and auto sector stress are likely to moderate consumption of aluminium products
The sobering of global alumina prices and stablisation in supplies have made it very difficult for Nalco to sustain the high profit momentum of last fiscal
Sales of aluminium companies fell by 10.8 per cent in the period as imports lead market.
In FY19, Vedanta's average alumina production cost stood at $322 per tonne
According to AAI, the aluminium producers have to import the dry fuel which leads to increased cost of production
Nalco and Vedanta are looking to improve smelter capacity utilisations in this financial year