Amul on Monday requested a woman customer in Noida to return the ice cream tub, in which she claimed to have found centipede, for further investigation and asserted that it offers superior quality dairy products in both India and global markets. A woman in Noida has claimed she has found a centipede inside an ice cream tub she ordered through an instant delivery app, said food safety officials, who have launched a probe into the matter. In a post on X on June 15, the woman, who identified herself as Deepa Devi, shared a picture showing the insect inside the ice cream tub. Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF), which markets dairy products under Amul brand, regretted the inconvenience caused to the woman customer in Noida. Noida's food safety department has launched a probe into this matter. In a statement, Amul said it immediately responded to the complaint on social media. "We deeply regret the inconvenience caused to her because of this incident," the statement
Most chocolates contain 50% sugar and only 30% cocoa, thus the impact on chocolates will not be as steep as in the prices of cocoa
From modest milk chocolate for kids 45 years ago to sophisticated dark chocolate for adults, Amul is a part of India's history.