Mahindra & Mahindra has committed Rs 4,500 crore on the overall development, including the creation of production capacity, for the two new ground-up electric brands, a top company executive said on Wednesday. The Rs 4,500 crore investment is part of the Rs 16,000 crore capex the company has announced for the electric vehicle business between the FY22-27 cycle. The Mumbai-based auto major is creating production of capacity of 90,000 units per annum at its Chakan-based plant for the two ground-up 'Born Electric' models -- BE 6e and XEV 9e. "We have allocated Rs 4,500 crore investment for the two models. The investment would go into the overall development of the electric vehicles," Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) Executive Director and CEO for auto and farm sectors Rajesh Jejurikar told reporters here. He noted that the production capacity at Chakan could be further scaled up to 1.2 lakh units per annum. The Mumbai-based auto major on Tuesday unveiled two models -- BE 6e and XEV .
Fan Nxt, TechM's platform, will provide answers to these questions by offering fans an interactive experience through AI, augmented reality, and even virtual reality
India's most valuable family businesses are collectively worth a whopping Rs 6,009, 100 crore, as per anewly released report which has unveiled the country's most influential family-owned enterprises.
India's private sector must utilise government's recently announced schemes, such as support to employers in creating roles for first-time employment and increasing new hires, to propel the country's economy over the next decade, Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra said on Wednesday. Addressing shareholders at the annual general meeting of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd (M&M), he reiterated that growth and prosperity must be driven by job creation and it is a collective responsibility of the private sector and the government and broad-based effort is essential for generating employment. He also asserted that increasing employment and skilling are key national priorities, as emphasised by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in her Budget 2024-25 speech. "While India stands to benefit from the re-orientation of global supply chains in the post-pandemic world, our growth and prosperity must be driven by job creation. It is a collective responsibility, and the Indian private sector ...
Multiple studies showed the potential of Artificial Intelligence in detecting cancers in advance. Advanced technology working on developing new drugs to predict the treatment outcome and prognosis
India's private sector needs to step up and match the government's efforts towards job creation and making young people employable, as in the absence of a collective effort, the country's demographic dividend could become a demographic disaster, Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra said on Wednesday. In his reaction to the Union Budget for 2024-25, he said it shows evidence that the government recognises the importance of growth accompanied by job-creation. "We are the envy of the world in terms of our growth in GDP. We are the preferred destination of the world for investment because of the belief in our future," Mahindra said in a post on social media platform X. He further said, "But the vital task ahead for us is to ensure that this growth is now accompanied by an explosion in job-creation." Mahindra noted that, "Hence for me, the most important element of yesterday's budget was strong evidence that the government recognises this to be its most important mission. And that ...
Indian companies need to enhance capital investment in order to take advantage of the growth opportunities available in India and abroad, according to Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra. Addressing shareholders in the company's annual report for 2023-24, the leading industrialist noted that the interplay of geopolitics and economic linkages in the post-COVID era has seen India's position strengthen. India's emerging role as one of the vital nodes in future-proofed supply chains across industries opens the door for growth within the country and expansion beyond, he stated. "How can we, in private industry, ensure that we ride this upsurging tide? ..In the spirit of 'ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country', I would argue that the most important thing industry can do at this critical juncture is to increase private investment," Mahindra said. Private capital investment is the key to capitalising on this opportunity as it is a key driver of .
Technology is a golden thread binding an organisation's work to its future vision, and the power of artificial intelligence (AI) can strengthen this thread, said Tech Mahindra chairman Anand Mahindra. Penning his thoughts in the annual report 2023-24 of IT services and consultation company Tech Mahindra, the billionaire businessman said it is impossible to talk about any business today without talking about technology. "Technology is the Golden Thread that binds what an organisation is doing today with the future world it is trying to create. Across multi-business organisations, it enables synergy and creates unexpected business connections. Across industries, it creates collaboration and transformation," he wrote. Mahindra, 69, said the future belongs to those who can creatively weave this Golden Thread into a value-enhancing business tapestry. He said IT services will play a pivotal role in enhancing Golden Thread by integrating AI seamlessly into the core business functions. "F
With Prime Minister Narendra Modi taking oath for the third time, India Inc on Monday expressed optimism that the new government under his leadership can usher in the next phase of reforms to achieve the goal of Viksit Bharat. Several corporate leaders posted congratulatory messages on X, formerly Twitter, after Modi was sworn in as Prime Minister at the Rashtrapati Bhavan on Sunday, becoming only the second PM after Jawaharlal Nehru to secure a third consecutive term. Vedanta Group Chairman Anil Agarwal tweeted, "Congratulations to @narendramodi ji on being elected Prime Minister of India for the third consecutive time. Bharat has crossed many milestones under your visionary leadership. We are confident that the country will continue on its remarkable growth trajectory!". In a post on X, JSW Group CMD Sajjan Jindal said: "Congratulations @narendramodi ji on assuming office as Prime Minister for the third time, a feat last achieved by Nehru ji. With new cabinet, I am optimistic abou
Anand Mahindra wrote a heartfelt message after Dipa Karmakar won gold at the Asian Gymnastics Championships. Here's what he said
Anand Mahindra, Chairman of the Mahindra Group, penned an emotional tribute following the passing of 'his friend' Nayyar, describing him as a towering figure in the Indian business landscape
The PLI schemes are on the right path providing a runway for businesses to foray into new sectors and industries, he said
Walt Disney and Mahindra group officials have joined the Board of Directors of US India Strategic and Partnership Forum, which the organisation said is testimony to the success story of American companies in India and a growing presence of Indian conglomerates in the US. The two officials are Dorothy Attwood, senior vice president of Global Legal, Policy and Compliance for The Walt Disney Company, and Amarjyoti (Amar) Barua, Executive Vice President (EVP) of Group Strategy at the Mahindra Group to the Board of Directors, the US India Strategic and Partnership Forum (USISPF) said in an announcement. Attwood, in her current role, is responsible for the company's international legal and government affairs functions around the world, outside of the US, and leads strategic public policy initiatives as well as ESG and Sustainability globally across all business segments. Attwood also leads the Privacy Legal Department and the Government Ethics and Compliance Group enterprise-wide. Barua
The world needs India to become a reliable challenger to China's supply-chain dominance, which will provide a great opportunity in 2024 and investment will flow into the country in unprecedented volumes, according to Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra. In his New Year message, Mahindra also said all signs point to the Indian economy achieving "the mythical lift-off that we have been awaiting, for decades" and predicted that in 2024 "companies that are able to create a portfolio of desirable products both in features and price will face the happy challenge of raising their production to meet demand". Stressing that "a New Year is special because it always symbolises a new beginning", he said, "No matter how dark the year has gone by, the human spirit has an abiding capacity for hope. 2023 was a year characterised by conflict, climate change and a sluggish post-Covid recovery. The year ended with the world crying out for renewal." The first day of the new year opens a new chapter,
Mahindra & Mahindra on Friday said its total wholesales increased by 21 per cent year on year to 70,576 units in November. The Mumbai-based automaker had dispatched 58,303 units in November 2022. Utility vehicle dispatches stood at 39,981 units last month, an increase of 32 per cent over 30,238 units in the year-ago period, Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) said in a statement. Exports, however, declined 42 per cent last month to 1,816 units as compared to 3,122 units in November 2022. "We continue our growth trend, backed by strong demand for our SUV portfolio...While we saw a healthy festive season, we faced supply challenges on select parts during the month. We are keeping a close watch and taking appropriate steps to mitigate the challenges," M&M President Automotive Division Veejay Nakra said. M&M said its tractor wholesales stood at 32,074 units in November as compared to 30,528 units in the year-ago period. Exports, however, declined to 1,005 units last month from ..
Exports for November 2023 were down 42% year-on-year. Year-to-date exports until November 2023 also dropped 17%, reaching 17,986, compared to 21,633 units exported during the same period in FY23
The MC Group Chairman requested NDRF personnel for a rapid rescue. The labourers were trapped inside after a landslide on Diwali. The tunnel is a part of the centre's Char Dham project
Araku coffee was founded as an effort of the Andhra Pradesh government to help the underprivileged tribal farmers from the scenic Araku Valley
Mahindra suggested that doubts surrounding China's ambitions and disruptions to supply chains in the wake of Covid-19 have also worked in India's favor
In which we munch over the week's platter of news and views