Premium mobile device maker Apple will start selling iPhone 16 series smartphones from September 20 onwards, sources aware of the development said. The company for the first time has plans to start assembling iPhone Pro Series in India but those models will start selling at a later date, the source said. "The entire iPhone 16 lineup will be available across the country tomorrow," an Apple India spokesperson said. The company, however, did not offer any comment on the availability of assembled in India iPhone Pro series. This is the first time the company is selling the iPhone Pro series at lower price than the previous version mainly on account of import duty cut in the recent budget. "iPhone 16 Pro starts at Rs 1,19,900 and iPhone 16 Pro Max starts at Rs 1,44,900," the company had said in a statement. iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max were launched at starting price of Rs 1,34,900 and Rs 1,59,900 about a year ago. iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max will be available in 128GB
Apple's contribution to electronics exports has grown steadily over the years
Apple iPhone 16 series will be available with instant cashback offers and no-cost EMI plans. Offers on iPhone 15 and iPhone 14 series as well
Beginning later this year, Airtel Xstream customers will receive Apple TV+ access as part of Airtel's premium Wi-Fi and postpaid plans, while Wynk Premium users will get exclusive Apple Music offer
The Indian workforce for Apple is expected to include 200,000 direct positions by March next year, with women making up about 70 per cent of these roles
The bronze shade-themed Desert Titanium is expected to replace the Blue Titanium and may be accompanied by changes to existing colour options in the upcoming iPhone 16 series
Apple CEO Tim Cook announced that the company achieved a new revenue record in its fiscal 2024 third-quarter ending June 29, over two dozen countries, including India
Apple said revenue in its fiscal fourth quarter would grow at a level similar to the 4.9% increase it posted in the April-June period
The deal, part of Embassy's redevelopment of a prime 2.3-acre site slated to become Apple's second-largest Bengaluru facility by 2025, includes lease rates increasing by 15% every three years
Apple Inc sold more than 7.5 million iPhones in India last year, according to estimates
Around 7-9% of Apple's sales in its two company-owned stores were cash transactions, compared to less than 1 per cent or even none at all observed in its stores in the US or Europe
Reportedly, Apple has starting Vision Pro training with its store employees from Germany, France, Australia, China, and more
Exports of iPhones produced in India nearly doubled in April, reaching $1.1 billion (Rs 9,000 crore) compared to $580 million a year ago
An OpenAI accord would let Apple offer a popular chatbot as part of a flurry of new AI features that it's planning to announce next month
After decades of playing second fiddle to China and Japan, the region of about 675 million people is drawing more tech investment than ever
Alongside the iPads, the Cupertino, US-based technology giant Apple introduced Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil Pro accessories
Apple CEO Tim Cook mentioned Apple's efforts to expand its presence in India, including increasing its distribution channels and developer community
US politicians have cited national security concerns in their push to force the company to either sell TikTok to a non-Chinese owner or face a ban in the US market
This accounts for around 33 per cent of the total exports of the country, surpassing a $9 billion target set by the state a few months ago
Apple CEO Tim Cook said the company is looking at manufacturing in Indonesia as he met with Indonesian President Joko Widodo on Wednesday. We talked about the president's desire to see manufacturing in the country, and it's something that we will look out, Cook told reporters after the meeting. Widodo's administration has worked for years to bring manufacturing to the country to power economic development, while Apple is seeking to diversify its supply chains away from China, where most of its smartphones and tablets are assembled. The company began moving some production to countries like Vietnam, and more recently India, after shutdowns to fight COVID-19 in China repeatedly disrupted the company's shipments. I think the investment ability in Indonesia is endless. I think that, there is a lot of great places to invest, and we're investing. We believe in the country, Cook said. The previous day, Cook met Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh in Hanoi, where he said Apple plans