Chief Minister Pema Khandu has said his government will hand over the probe into the Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) exam paper leak case to the CBI. The question paper of the exam for the Assistant Engineer (Civil), conducted on August 26 and August 27 by the APPSC, was leaked. Police have so far arrested five people in the case. Speaking to reporters in Ziro in Lower Subansiri district after inaugurating a slew of projects on Monday, Khandu said the state government has decided to hand over the investigation to the CBI. "The APPSC is considered to be the highest recruitment institution of the state and such kind of corruption in the recruitment process will not be tolerated," he said. Unemployed youths of the state have a lot of expectations from the APPSC, he added. Khandu said the paper leak has created a negative impression among job aspirants about the APPSC and the state government. "The officers involved in the corruption will not be spared under any
APPSC Group 1 Result 2019: A total of 8,351 candidates have qualified the written examination
The last date to apply for the vacancies and pay fees is January 28, 2017