Move could spell trouble for actor Warsi as investigation finds chats around stock manipulation
In its order, Sebi had directed the Warsis to deposit Rs 76.33 lakh, which has now been reduced by SAT to Rs 38.16 lakh
The regulator had barred the actor and his wife for manipulation of Sadhna Broadcast shares via YouTube videos
Arshad Warsi made a profit of Rs 29.43 lakh and his wife Maria Goretti of Rs 37.56 lakh using a YouTube-run pump and dump operation last year
Are among 31 banned for stock manipulation via YouTube
Sebi noted that Arshad Warsi has made a profit of Rs 29.43 lakh and his wife has earned a profit of Rs 37.56 lakh
Superstar Akshay Kumar's action comedy Directed by Farhad Samji of Housefull 4 fame, the film also stars Kriti Sanon, Jacqueline Fernandez and Arshad Warsi
The actor allegedly carried out an illegal additional construction in the name of renovation