The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has asked for input from the industry to pinpoint products suffering from an inverted duty structure that puts local manufacturers at a disadvantage
Asean Secretary General Kao Kim Hourn CM is leading the Asean Secretariat delegation on a working visit to India
Simmering tensions in the South China Sea between China and several Southeast Asian nations now regularly spark direct confrontation. Fighting in Myanmar against the military government that seized power three years ago has grown to the point that most say the country is now in a civil war. Hopes were high that Indonesia might be able to make significant inroads on both issues during its 2023 chairmanship of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, using its clout as the bloc's largest country, but little progress was made. Now Laos, the bloc's poorest and one of its smallest countries, has taken over the rotating chair. As foreign ministers gather in Luang Prabang for this year's first top-level meetings over the weekend, many are pessimistic that ASEAN can keep its biggest challenges from festering and growing. There were so many expectations when Indonesia started its presidency and some of those expectations fell short, said Shafiah Muhibat, an expert with the Centre for ...
India's active and positive contribution to numerous ASEAN-led mechanisms over the years has been repeatedly acknowledged by the Southeast Asian member nations and other countries, High Commissioner P Kumaran has said. India has deep cultural ties linkages with ASEAN countries which has been strengthened in recent years with vibrant economic engagement and a growing sense of shared future, he said on Friday at a reception held on board the ICGS Samudra Paheredar, which paid a three-day visit to Singapore's Changi Naval Base. India's active and positive contribution to numerous ASEAN-led mechanisms over the years has been repeatedly acknowledged by the Southeast Asian member nations and other countries, he said. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a regional grouping that aims to promote economic and security cooperation among its ten members: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. During the ICGS ..
He also said the Coffee Board is trying to develop an Indian brand of coffee for export and the work in this regard is underway
Region has managed to make rapid strides on various socio-economic parameters