In October 2017, Sebi came out with the scheme classification norms to ensure that mutual fund schemes make investments in-line with their stated scheme mandate
Industry experts said the addition of folios indicates investors' understanding about market risks associated in the mutual fund schemes
Fund managers attributed growth in the asset base to higher retail participation and robust inflows in equity schemes and liquid funds
According to data from Association of Mutual Funds in India (Amfi), asset allocation categories have seen net outflows of Rs 6,714 crore in the current financial year
Experts say lack of investor understanding and cases of mis-selling have impacted sentiment
Shares of India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) have zoomed 50 per cent in the past four trading sessions
Many have mutual fund assets which are less than 2% of economic output
Half a dozen stocks from the large-cap universe and over two dozen from the mid-cap universe have been replaced, shows the latest data from the Association of Mutual Funds in India
Markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) had in the past directed the players to follow the 'best practices' guidelines laid down by Amfi