Private equity firm Olympus Capital Asia on Wednesday divested a 9.8 per cent stake in Aster DM Healthcare for Rs 1,978 crore through open market transactions. Olympus Capital Asia through its two affiliates -- Olympus Capital Asia Investments Ltd and Olympus ACF Pte -- offloaded the shares of Dubai-based Aster DM Healthcare on the bourse. According to the bulk deal data available with the BSE, more than 4.42 crore equity shares of Aster DM Healthcare were sold by Olympus Capital Asia Investments and 45.59 lakh shares by Olympus ACF Pte Ltd of the company. Around 4.88 crore shares sold represent a 9.8 per cent stake in Aster DM Healthcare. The shares were disposed of within the price range of Rs 405-406.72 apiece, taking the transaction value to Rs 1,978.35 crore. As of December 2023, Olympus Capital Asia Investments Ltd owned an 18.96 per cent stake in Aster DM Healthcare, shareholding data showed with the bourse. Meanwhile, Capital Group through its affiliate SmallCap World Fun
Aster DM sees nearly 10 per cent of its equity change hands, while 10.23 per cent equity of CDSL were traded in a black deal on Wednesday.
Stocks to watch on March 27: SpiceJet on Tuesday said it had signed an agreement with aircraft lessor Export Development Canada (EDC) to settle liabilities worth Rs 755 crore
Olympus Capital, which owns about 19% stake in the hospital chain, is planning the sale at 400-437.20 rupees per share
In November 2023, Aster DM had received corporate approvals to separate its India and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) businesses into two distinct and standalone entities
Consolidated net profit for the third quarter rose 28.6% to Rs 179 cr ($21.6 million), the company said on Thursday
Aster DM earlier announced plans to separate its India and Gulf businesses in a deal valued at $1 billion
Hospital chain Aster DM Healthcare on Tuesday said its shareholders have approved the proposal to hive off its Gulf business in a deal valued at USD 1.01 billion. The proposed resolutions were passed with the requisite majority by shareholders on January 22, the company said in a regulatory filing. Over 99 per cent of the votes polled were in favour of the deal, it added. On November 28 last year, Aster DM Healthcare announced that it would separate its India and Gulf businesses by way of a deal worth over USD 1 billion. The company stated that it has received approval from its board and subsidiary Affinity Holdings Pvt Ltd to separate the India and GCC businesses into two distinct and standalone entities. Under the separation plan, Affinity entered into a definitive agreement with a consortium of investors led by Fajr Capital, a private equity firm headquartered in the UAE, to invest in Aster's GCC business. Upon completion, the separation of the India and GCC businesses will ..
In November, Aster DM had announced its plans to sell its wholly-owned subsidiary Affinity Holdings, which conducts business in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, to Alpha GCC for $1 billion
IiAS raises concern over lack of clarity on the utilisation of sale proceeds of unit that contributes 75% of revenue
Group will avoid being 'one of those players' with a token presence through a single hospital, says Nitish Shetty
Barring Dr Lal Pathlabs, the other four healthcare related stocks listed below seem to be trapped in a range for now, charts suggest.
Aster plans to add an additional 1,500 beds to the current 4,800 capacity in the world's most populous country over the next three years and "look at companies that are not listed
The company had been keen to sell the stake in the GCC business for some time now given a hypercompetitive environment, lower growth (a third of the India business) and lower margins
The company announced on Tuesday that its subsidiary would sell its stake in Aster DM Healthcare FZC to Alpha GCC for $1.01 billion (Rs 8,125 crore).
Stocks to watch on Wednesday, November 29, 2023: IREDA is likely to debut on a strong note on the bourses today following the robust response received to its recently concluded IPO.
Aster to separate its India and GCC businesses to unlock value
On a sequential basis, the company exhibited a 3.15 per cent increase in revenue along with EBITDA, which grew 21 per cent year-on-year
Aster shares have soared about 40% this year, valuing the Mumbai-listed company at about $1.9 billion
Aster DM's new hospitals, including Aster Royal Hospital Muscat and Aster Narayanadri Tirupati, reported losses of Rs 2900 cr for the June quarter, the company said