The Supreme Court on Friday sought the CBI's response on a plea filed by alleged middleman Christian Michel James seeking bail in the purported Rs 3,600-crore AgustaWestland scam case. A bench of Justices Vikram Nath and P B Varale issued notice to the CBI and directed it to file its reply within four weeks. "Issue notice, returnable four weeks," the bench said. The alleged scam pertains to the purchase of 12 VVIP helicopters from chopper design and manufacturing company AgustaWestland. James moved the apex court challenging the Delhi High Court's September 25 order refusing him bail in the case. James, a British national, was extradited from Dubai in December, 2018, and was subsequently arrested. The high court previously dismissed his bail application, observing there was no significant change in circumstances from the time when his earlier bail pleas were rejected. He is among the three alleged middlemen probed in the case with the other two being Guido Haschke and Carlo ...
A Delhi court on Tuesday dismissed the bail application of alleged middleman Christian Michel in a corruption case related to alleged AgustaWestland scam considering the serious nature of accusations and gravity of offence. Special Judge Arvind Kumar dismissed the application moved by Michel, claiming parity with other accused in the case. The judge also said the accused was a British National having no roots in India and, therefore, a flight risk. He said Michel cannot claim parity with other accused" in view of his conduct. The judge dismissed the contention of the accused that on the same set of charges a trial was conducted against him in Italy and the Italian court acquitted him of the same allegations, noting the judgment of the court there was in respect of other accused persons and on different issues like international bribery and tax fraud committed in 2009-2010. The judge said in the present case the accused is facing criminal proceedings for corruption, cheating and .
The Supreme Court on Wednesday sought a response from the CBI and ED on the bail pleas of Christian Michel James, the alleged middleman in the AgustaWestland chopper scam case.
The Congress on Monday demanded answers from the government over reports of the lifting of a ban on procurement from Finmeccanica company which had been dubbed as corrupt by ruling BJP leaders
India also made it clear that the Working Group is not a judicial body, and therefore, its opinions are not legally binding on the member states
In the last five years, India managed to bring only about 20 fugitive offenders including AgustaWestland deal middleman Christian Michel James
CBI has filed supplementary chargesheet against 15 accused in a case related to the award of a contract to a UK-based company for the supply of 12 VVIP helicopters
The CBI has filed a supplementary charge sheet against British National Christian Michel James and businessman Rajeev Saxena in the AugustaWestland chopper scam
The Dubai-based businessman was extradited to India on January 31 last year in connection with the Rs 3,600-crore alleged scam related to the purchase of 12 VVIP helicopters from AgustaWestland
It said the value of the properties attached is $50.90 million (Rs 385.44 crore) and a provisional order under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) has been issued
Michel was extradited from Dubai in 2018 and is currently lodged in Tihar Jail in connection with alleged irregularities in the chopper deal
They said the raids were being conducted against Sushen Mohan Gupta, an accused named in the case, and his relative and prominent Pune-based industrialist
The order came a day after the Delhi High Court dismissed his anticipatory bail application in the case
Special Judge Sanjay Garg also directed that Puri be given proper medical attention during his remand
Michel, who was present in the courtroom, also told the court that he was put in the prison with 16-17 Kashmiri separatist leaders
The Rs 36 billion AgustaWestland VIP helicopter deal, finalised during the previous government of Manmohan Singh, had got mired in allegations of kickbacks
In October last year, Italian authorities, on the basis of an Interpol notice sought by ED in connection with its money laundering probe in AugustaWestland case, arrested Gerosa but soon released him
Parrikar criticised the Naveen Patnaik-government, saying it has done nothing to create jobs for the millions of educated youth of the state
Advocate M L Sharma has sought FIR and a court appointed probe against Indians named in an April 7 Italian court's verdict on AugustaWestland deal