Azim Hasham Premji-led Wipro Enterprises has said its consolidated revenue from operations increased 9.8 per cent to Rs 16,902 crore in the financial year ended March 2024 while its profit jumped 35 per cent to Rs 1,903.1 crore According to an RoC (Registrar of Companies) filing, its total income, including other income, stood at Rs 17,761.3 crore in FY24, up 11.2 per cent from FY23 figure. Wipro Enterprises Pvt Ltd had reported a revenue from operations of Rs 15,387.8 crore and a profit of Rs 1,410.1 crore a year before in FY23, according to financial data accessed through business intelligence platform Tofler. As of March 31, 2024, Azim H Premji held 77.65 per cent stake in the company and the rest 21.84 per cent was owned by the Azim Premji Trust. Wipro Enterprises is primarily engaged in the business of consumer care and home care products, food business, hydraulics, aerospace components, domestic and institutional lighting, commercial solutions, additive manufacturing, and ...
The study highlights that these changes could exacerbate extreme weather events, including heatwaves, droughts, and intense rainfall, with wide-ranging effects on communities, agriculture, and natural
The cost of procurement of metals increased by over 53 per cent to Rs 115 crore in FY24
Wipro has made 'human interactions' core of AI development, says chairman of IT service company
Family offices, including those of Azim Premji and NRN Murthy, have filed application for registration in Gift city
Padma Bhushan awardee Azim Premji, with a net worth of $12 billion, is the founder of Wipro and established the Azim Premji Foundation
Premji, who is also a philanthropist, emphasised the need for business houses to operate with the highest standards of integrity and stated that a lack of integrity signifies a lack of character
Bank of Baroda, a public sector lender and the majority shareholder holding around 98% of Nainital Bank, is expected to divest its entire stake
PremjiInvest, the largest Indian family office that manages over $10 billion for software tycoon Azim Premji, will invest more money into AI companies while fine-tuning its AI investment tools
The sharp rise was driven primarily by significantly bigger contributions from just two individuals: Azim Premji and Shiv Nadar
Wipro founder Azim Premji has transferred 1.02 crore equity shares of Wipro held by him to his two sons --Rishad Premji and Tariq Premji-- as 'gift', according to exchange filing. The Wipro scrip is currently valued at Rs 472.9 per share, and at roughly this value, the transferred shares will amount to a whopping Rs 483 crore. Tech magnate Azim Premji's son Rishad Premji currently helms Wipro as its Executive Chairman, and is a prominent face of the IT industry. "I, Azim H Premji, wish to intimate you that 1,02,30,180 equity shares of Wipro Limited held by me, amounting to 0.20 per cent of the share capital of the company were transferred to Rishad Azim Premji and Tariq Azim Premji in the form of gift," Wipro filing on Wednesday said. The transaction, however, would not alter the overall promoter and promoter group shareholding in the company and it will remain the same even after the proposed transaction. In another filing by Wipro, Rishad Premji informed that 51,15,090 equity ..
The CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has a message: Hey billionaires, give away more of your money to address inequality and do it soon. Mark Suzman made the call in his annual letter released Thursday that led with the story of Chuck Feeney, a billionaire whose philanthropy inspired Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and Melinda French-Gates. Feeney, who died in October, made a fortune through duty free stores and gave away $8 billion during his life, much of it anonymously. He showed us all how the actions of one generous person can set the wheels in motion for generations of progress, Suzman wrote of Feeney. The message is a familiar one from the Gates Foundation, one of the largest global health funders in the world. The foundation recently announced it would spend $8.6 billion in 2024, its largest budget to date, aided by a $20 billion donation by Gates in 2022. The record-setting budget coincides with the erosion of progress nonprofits made toward ending poverty, fighting .
Premji Invest and billionaire Narayana Murthy-backed Catamaran Ventures were among the first to seek approvals, according to the people
Philanthropy report card: Indian billionaires donated 59% more
Azim Premji transformed himself from being a businessman into a philanthropist
Religion, region, caste and education determine social mobility in the country
Labour markets has shown better intergenerational mobility, increased regular wage workers and narrowed caste based segregation, according to State of Working India report 2023
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However, a source close to the development said that the application is still in the regulatory stage.
"There are two components to this business - the older, stable motor-financing arm and the new-age loans and services, which can be an add-on growth lever," the report said citing source