Here's a selection of Business Standard opinion pieces for the day
The digital super cycle will encompass progress in all areas and will accelerate further on advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence
Bankers have been talking about near-normalcy in collection of loan repayments and very few stressed borrowers going for loan restructuring. This gives us hope for 2021
Here's a selection of Business Standard opinion pieces for the day
Awareness of the banking sector's many initiatives to help stressed businesses tide over the pandemic is low
The Rajya Sabha passed the Banking Regulation (Amendment) Bill 2020 through a voice vote on Tuesday
The banking sector needs to open up to the same levels of 'liberalisation process' which other sectors have witnessed, N K Singh said
Suggests setting aside 1% of GDP for cash transfer scheme for poor and elderly
For the recently concluded quarter, the slippages are expected to show mixed trend as analysts eye stable numbers from the agri-sector but warn of stress in the retail space
To contain high bad loans in the MUDRA scheme, the managers suggested that a national portal be floated to verify the borrower and whether multiple lending has happened
A banking system that is 70% government-owned is no sensible person's prescription of an ideal structure, especially in the context of an interventionist government culture
Asset creation and maintaining asset quality is essential for reasonable returns
Rs 2.11-lakh-cr recapitalisation plan includes Rs 1.35 lakh cr as bonds, Rs 58,000 cr of fresh capital and Rs 18,000 cr in govt outlay