Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal visited Bhalswa landfill site on Saturday and said about 45 lakh tonnes of waste from it is expected to be processed and reduced by May next year. Interacting with reporters at the site, Kejriwal said once 45 lakh tonnes of waste gets reduced, 35 acres of land will be reclaimed, which can be reused in multiple ways. There are three landfill sites in Delhi, located at Okhla, Bhalswa and Ghazipur. Kejriwal said Bhalswa landfill site has about 60-65 lakh tonnes of municipal waste spread over 72 acres, and besides legacy waste, 2,000 tonnes of fresh waste is getting added daily to the massive dump. The target till today was to reduce 14 lakh tonnes of waste (from it), but it is being done speedily and the target has been exceeded, with the figure being 18 lakh tonnes, he said. The chief minister said the target for the agency working on the waste processing at Bhalswa landfill site is to reduce waste by 30 lakh tonnes by May 15, 2024. But, given t
LG Saxena informed that sufficient infrastructure and arrangements with central government agencies and Industry have been now put in place to ensure a disposal rate of about 10 lakh MT per month
With the AAP coming to power in the MCD, the Kejriwal government has nearly doubled the fund allocation for local bodies in the Delhi Budget 2023-24 while setting a target to flatten the city's three garbage mountains by 2024. Presenting the budget, Finance Minister Kailash Gahlot announced that local bodies will be given Rs 8,241 crore in the financial year 2023-24, up from Rs 4,374 crore allocated during 2022-23. He also said a loan of Rs 850 crore was earmarked for the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) for the removal of mountains of garbage. This is the first budget of the AAP government after the party took over the MCD last year as it registered its maiden victory in the civic body elections. "The three garbage mountains of Delhi have been a dark spot on Delhi's image for several decades now. Though the task of clearing these garbage mountains falls in the domain of the MCD, for the sake of the people of Delhi, we will work hand in hand with the MCD and provide them whatev
Delhi government's target is to remove 50 lakh metric tonnes of garbage from the Bhalswa landfill by March next year, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said on Thursday during a visit to the site. Kejriwal, along with Delhi Mayor Shelly Oberoi, reviewed the progress of work to remove garbage from the landfill. "The target is to remove 50 lakh metric tonnes of garbage from here by March next year. Work is going on at double speed. Soon Delhi will be made garbage-free," he said. Kejriwal said that 11,000 MT (metric tonnes) of garbage is generated daily in Delhi and there are arrangements to deal with over 8,100 MT. "This means 2,800 MT of garbage is left. Expansion work is underway at Okhla to handle 1,000 MT of the garbage while the Bawana Waste To Energy Plant will be ready by 2026 to handle 2,000 MT of garbage," he said. The chief minister said 30 lakh MT of waste has been removed from the landfill since 2019 while 50 lakh MT is still lying there of which 30 lakh MT will be reduced
The fire at north Delhi's Bhalswa landfill site that has been raging for the last six days has upended lives and livelihoods of people living in adjoining areas and left them gasping for breath.
Environment Minister Gopal Rai had earlier asked the anti-pollution body to probe the incident and submit a report within 24 hours
Some areas of the Bhalswa landfill site in Delhi have been seen still burning on Thursday.
Eight firetenders are currently working to bring down the flames, officials said
A massive fire broke out at North Delhi's Bhalswa landfill on Tuesday.Over 10 fire tenders are at the spot to douse the flames. According to Delhi Fire Service officials, smoke was reported around 5 PM that later spread into a massive fire."We received a call at around 5.47 pm. Initially, there was only smoke but later due to wind fire erupted. 12 fire tenders are present at the spot. Our aim is to ensure that fire does not spread to residential areas," said, CL Meena, Assistant Divisional Officer, Delhi Fire Service.Further details are awaited.
The fire has raised concern that the pollution levels in Delhi might further rise