Auto component firm Bharat Forge on Thursday said its consolidated net profit increased 13 per cent year-on-year to Rs 243 crore for the second quarter ended September 30, 2024. The company had reported a net profit of Rs 215 crore in the July-September quarter of last fiscal. Revenue from operations rose to Rs 3,688 crore as against Rs 3,774 crore in the year-ago period, Bharat Forge said in a regulatory filing. Shares of the company were trading 1.03 per cent up at Rs 1,335.10 apiece on BSE.
Shares of Bharat Forge have multiplied investors' wealth over the last two years with a rally of 122.01 per cent, as per BSE analytics
Auto components major Bharat Forge Ltd on Wednesday reported a 77.8 per cent rise in consolidated net profit at Rs 227.12 crore in the fourth quarter ended March 31, 2024, riding on higher sales. The company had posted a profit of Rs 127.74 crore in the corresponding period of the previous fiscal, Bharat Forge said in a regulatory filing. Consolidated revenue from operations during the quarter under review stood at Rs 4,164.21 crore as against Rs 3,629.05 crore in the year-ago period, it added. Total expenses in the fourth quarter were higher at Rs 3,843.55 crore as compared to Rs 3,469.05 crore in the same period a year ago. The Board of Directors at its meeting held on May 8, 2024, recommended a final dividend of Rs 6.50 per equity share of the face value of Rs 2 for the financial year ended March 31, 2024, subject to approval of shareholders at the ensuing annual general meeting, Bharat Forge said. For the fiscal ended March 31, net profit was at Rs 910.16 crore as compared to
The surge came after the company announced its March quarter results (Q4FY24), and gave a promising FY25 outlook
Brokerages have cut their earnings estimates by up to 11 per cent, given the slowdown in multiple segments
The company's stock slid 14.04 per cent on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) on Monday, ending the day's trade at Rs 1,130.3 apiece
The total income for Q2FY24 came in at Rs 3,826.7 crore, compared to Rs 3,122.3 crore y-o-y, registering a rise of 22.56%
Auto components major Bharat Forge Ltd on Wednesday reported a 33.27 per cent increase in consolidated net profit at Rs 213.73 crore in the first quarter ended June 30, 2023. The company had posted a consolidated net profit of Rs 160.37 crore in the same quarter last fiscal, Bharat Forge said in a regulatory filing. Consolidated revenue from operations was at Rs 3,877.27 crore as against Rs 2,851.46 crore in the year-ago period, it added. Total expenses were higher at Rs 3,602.48 crore as compared to Rs 2,643.95 crore in the same period a year ago. Bharat Forge said its board at its meeting held on Wednesday also approved conversion of existing inter corporate deposits given by it to Kalyani Powertrain Ltd (KPTL), a wholly-owned arm, along with interest amounting to Rs 111.3 crore into equity shares, to reduce the overall borrowings at KPTL. The board also approved a further investment of an amount not exceeding Rs 150 crore in KPTL from time-to-time in one or more tranches. KPTL
Bharat Forge is the largest exporter in forgings components globally, with around 60 global customers and about 68 per cent of its revenue from exports
Brokerages have also highlighted that the energy crisis in Europe would be a big opportunity for Indian forging and casting companies such as Bharat Forge
Uncertainty on revival of demand is a key overhang for the stock
The company had posted a consolidated net profit of Rs 212.12 crore in the same period of the preceding fiscal, Bharat Forge
The company had posted a consolidated net loss of Rs 68.59 crore in the same quarter previous fiscal, Bharat Forge Ltd (BFL) said in a regulatory filing
Analysts expect the M&HCV segment to fall by another 13-15% in FY21
Stock down 5% on weak truck and oil and gas outlook
Investors should avoid exposure with growth unlikely before FY21
Calling the quarter gone by as "the toughest in this decade", the management said weak end-demand across sectors due to the sluggish macroeconomic environment led to the continuous decline in demand
Total income during the quarter under review rose 30.63% stood at Rs 1,283.70 cr