State-owned BHEL on Wednesday said it has secured an order worth over Rs 3,500 crore from Adani Power Limited to set up a thermal power project at Raipur in Chhattisgarh. It has "signed contract agreement signed June 5, supply of equipment (boiler, turbine, generator) and supervision of erection and commissioning for 2x800 MW power project based on Supercritical Technology", BHEL said in an exchange filing. The order's total worth is more than Rs 3,500 crore, excluding the GST, the company added. The boiler and turbine generator will be manufactured at its Trichy and Haridwar plants, respectively, BHEL said.
BHEL, Bharat Electronics, Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone, REC, Power Finance Corporation (PFC) from the future & option (F&O) segment stocks tanked 25 per cent
Government-owned shares witnessed intense selling pressure as analysts feared that the relatively poor showing of the Modi-government may impact its reforms agenda.
At 10:16 AM, all constituents of the BSE Power Index were trading in negative territory
The fall came after the company announced its Q4 results, which missed street expectations.
At 7:09 AM, GIFT Nifty futures indicated a modest uptick of 25 points, trading at 22,626 against Nifty futures
BHEL Q4 FY24 results: The company board recommended a dividend of 25 paise for equity share of Rs 2 face value for financial year 2023-24
Company results Q4 FY24: JK Tyre & Industries, Religare Enterprises, and Hitachi Energy India are poised to release the financial report for the fourth quarter today
Federal bank has been in a medium-term uptrend. The recent pullback towards the zone of Rs 154 - 156 was brought into and the stock has been witnessing buying interest from that crucial support zone
Army Chief Gen Manoj Pande on Wednesday said an effective defence-industry ecosystem is taking shape in the country and veterans with their field experience are "ideally suited" for incorporation into indigenous research and manufacturing of technological solutions required by the force. In his address at the Army Welfare Placement Organisation (AWPO) Summit 2024 held at the Manekshaw Centre here, he said the Army's responsibility towards its veterans remains a "sacred commitment". The aim of the summit was to bring together different stakeholders on a common platform, to narrow down the gap between enterprise requirements, veteran competencies and the pursuits of AWPO. "While the demand for skilled and experienced workforce exists at the industry end, at the same time, a human resource pool of veterans with adequate experience and unique skill sets is also available, after they exit from active service each year. The endeavour is to synergise the two as well as strengthen the ...
At 10:08 am; the CPSE index, the top gainer among broader indices, was up 1.4 per cent, as compared to 0.16 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex
he market price of BHEL has recovered 45 per cent from March month low of Rs 207.20. At 11:06 am; the stock was trading 3 per cent higher at Rs 290.60, as compared to 0.34 per cent rise in the S&P BSE
State-owned engineering firm Bharat Heavy Electricals (BHEL) on Tuesday announced that it has entered into a strategic partnership agreement with HIMA Middle East FZE, Dubai for railway signalling business. HIMA is the world's leading solution provider for safety-related automation in the railways and process industries, a regulatory filing said. According to the filing, the BHEL has entered into a strategic partnership agreement for the railway signalling business with HIMA Middle East FZE, Dubai (A wholly owned subsidiary of HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH, Germany). The BHEL has been supplying locomotives, electrics for EMU/MEMU, propulsion systems, traction motors, traction alternators, traction transformers, etc. to Indian Railways. The partnership with HIMA will further enhance BHEL's offerings to Indian Railways, it said.
Power Mech Projects has bagged orders worth Rs 232.03 crore, including building of power house and balance of plant at a thermal project and coal handling plant. The company received orders under three packages worth Rs 122.89 crore from state-owned engineering firm BHEL in various packages, the company said in a BSE filing. Package A includes erection of power house Unit 1 & 2 and other buildings at 2x660 MW NTPC Talcher, Odisha. Package B includes erection of ash handling plant structure, and tank fabrication at the NTPC Talcher plant. Package C includes erection of coal handling plant structure at the plant. The other order of Rs 52.74 crore includes balance civil and architectural works of superstructure of power house, bunker area and balance works in other areas of main plant of Yadadri TPS (thermal power station) Unit 4 & 5 -- Rs 52.74 crore. Another order of Rs 56.40 crore includes mechanical structure erection works at PP2 and Balance Quantity of Coke Oven Projects ...
Ramkrishna Forgings Ltd on Monday said it has received an order of Rs 270 crore from a consortium led by BHEL to supply bogie frames of Vande Bharat train sets. The scope of the project involves the development and validation of the bogie frames for the sleeper version of the Vande Bharat train sets, Ramkrishna Forgings Ltd (RKFL) said in a statement. This order encompasses 32 train sets, each comprising 16 coaches and RKFL will be producing a total of 1,024 bogie frames, it said. The order valued at Rs 270 crore is to be supplied to the BHEL TRSL consortium, the statement said. Lalit Kumar Khetan, Whole Time Director & CFO, Ramkrishna Forgings Limited said, "Securing the prestigious order is an indication to our relentless pursuit of excellence and innovative approach. the Make in India and the advancement of rail transport in the country by leveraging our expertise in manufacturing high-quality bogie frames." Kolkata-based Ramkrishna Forgings is a manufacturer and .
BHEL had petitioned to halt the insolvency process of the project, citing its pending dues emerging from an arbitral award
State-owned engineering firm Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) has received an order worth Rs 4,000 crore from Adani Power Limited for setting up the 1,600 MW Raigarh Phase-II Thermal Power Plant at Raigarh, Chhattisgarh. BHEL in a filing said that it received a Letter of Award on March 27, 2024, for the supply of equipment and supervision of erection & commissioning for 2x800 MW power project based on supercritical technology at Raigarh Phase II, Chhattisgarh. The boiler and Turbine Generator are to be manufactured at BHEL's Trichy and Haridwar plants respectively. The supply of Unit-1 will take 31 months and Unit-2 (35 months).
REC Power Development and Consultancy and BHEL on Friday inked an initial pact to form a special purpose vehicle (SPV) for developing utility-scale renewable energy projects. Renewable energy projects of 10 MW or more are referred as utility-scale projects. REC Power Development and Consultancy Limited (RECPDCL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of state-owned REC Ltd. The SPV will be benefitted by the core engineering expertise of BHEL and infrastructure investment expertise of REC, a statement said. It will focus on catering to the energy requirement of commercial and industrial (C&I) segment with initial capacity of 1 GW which would be scaled further. "This collaboration brings together our extensive experience in the renewable energy sector with BHEL's proven expertise in manufacturing and engineering. This SPV will play a crucial role in achieving India's ambitious renewable energy targets and contribute to a cleaner and greener future," REC Chairman and Managing Director Vivek .
Stocks to Watch on March 7: The Ministry of Coal has issued three draft request for proposals (RFPs) for consultation on coal gasification scheme
Shares of BHEL have rallied nearly 15 per cent in two days amid reports that the company is likely to get an order worth Rs 17,000 crore to construct a thermal plant