M P Birla group's flagship company, Birla Corporation Limited, on Tuesday said the cement major posted a net profit of Rs 85 crore for the March 2023 quarter, down by 23 per cent over the corresponding period last year. The consolidated revenue for the March quarter was Rs 2,512 crore, representing a 7.6 per cent growth. The consolidated cement sales by volume for the March quarter grew 4.5 per cent year-on-year to 4.44 million tonnes, a record high, and even with the price remaining weak, the realisation was up 4.3 per cent over the same period last year at Rs 5,261 per tonne. The company stated that it concluded a challenging FY 2022-23 despite sluggish demand in most key markets during the year. During the year, the biggest challenge for the entire cement industry was an abnormal rise in power and fuel costs, which typically account for around 30 per cent of total production costs for all manufacturers. For Birla Corporation Limited, power, and fuel costs went up 32 per cent fo
Realty firm Birla Estates on Monday said it has purchased a land parcel in South Mumbai to develop a premium housing project and is expecting a sales revenue of more than Rs 600 crore from this upcoming property. Birla Estates, which is the real estate arm of the Aditya Birla Group housed under Century Textiles and Industries Ltd, did not disclose the size of the land parcel and also the deal value. With a surge in housing demand post the second wave of the COVID pandemic that hit India in April-June 2021, real estate developers are aggressively acquiring land parcels -- outright as well as through partnership with landowners -- to expand their businesses. In a regulatory filing, Century Textiles and Industries Ltd informed that its subsidiary Birla Estates has acquired prime land parcel in South Mumbai's upmarket residential area of Walkeshwar at Malabar Hill. "The luxury project will hold a revenue potential of over Rs 600 crore," it said. K T Jithendran, MD and CEO, Birla Estat
In his annual note, Birla listed five trends that will have a multi-year impact on the world
The company will offer a yield of 7.85% for this issue for which it has received commitments worth around 2 billion rupees ($24.62 million) so far
These companies that operated under the constraints of British rule before 1947 helped India become self-sufficient in various sectors after independence
The 5G auctions will be a financial boost for Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government, which is trying to tame inflation and rein in the fiscal deficit
Birla said the new round of expansion by UltraTech will take its capacity to 159.25 mtpa, reinforcing its position as the third-largest cement company in the world, outside of China
The company had posted a profit of Rs 56.3 crore for April-June 2020
Top court directed Calcutta HC to dispose of all outstanding appeals and cross-appeals over Lodha holding office as a director in MP Birla Group companies by next March
According to the Lodhas, the 'landmark judgment' clears the decks for Harsh Lodha to continue as the chairman of all companies of the MP Birla Group
India is likely to issue an emergency use authorisation to at least one Covid vaccine by the end of January and health workers will be the first to be inoculated. More headlines in our evening roundup
A top Tata group official said the group is really interested in getting into banking but it is too early to elaborate as only recommendations are out and work is in nascent stage
From a medium-term perspective, these 6 stocks should provide a good upside from the current levels. Also, these stocks can mitigate the risks in portfolio. Check out the key levels
In the long court battle over the M P Birla group, Harsh Lodha has been asked to step down from management. But in the last decade and a half, the group has grown under him
The Division Bench of the Calcutta High Court on Thursday accepted the pleas of Birlas and declined the prayer of Lodhas and companies for stay on the directions passed by the single judge
The three companies and Lodha moved applications challenging a verdict passed by a single judge on Friday
As per Lodha, the estate is defined the assets prepared by jt administrators and produced in court. That makes the estate a minority shareholder in all four mfg firms within larger promoter group
On Saturday, Single Bench order of Calcutta High Court restrained Shri Harsh V Lodha, non-executive director and chairman of the company from holding any office in MP Birla Group
Office life in these cities resumed on Monday, albeit cautiously and with full knowledge of the need to maintain social distancing.
Supreme Court has asked the single judge at the Calcutta High Court to decide upon the issue of jurisdiction, together with the applications for interim relief