The CBI on Wednesday summoned Gaurav Mehta, an audit company employee, to appear before it as soon as possible in connection with the Rs 6,600-crore Gain Bitcoin ponzi scam case, officials said. The central probe agency had registered three cases related to the scam last month on the Supreme Court orders issued last year, officials said. Mehta was summoned by the CBI, a day after his name cropped up in purported tapes of Maharashtra political leaders discussing the encashment of the cryptocurrency worth crores. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) swung into action hours after the Enforcement Directorate, investigating the money laundering aspect, launched raids at the Mehta's residence in Chhattisgarh. The apex court handed over cases registered against Variable Tech Pvt Ltd across the country to the CBI in December 2023. "During the investigation, it shall be open to the CBI to club/consolidate any one or more of the FIRs," the top court had said. The apex court had clarif
After years in the political wilderness, crypto executives are scrambling to execute a policy wish list that could fundamentally transform the industry's standing in the United States
Institutional interest in cryptocurrencies is up, as is evident from the increased volumes in Bitcoin and Ethereum exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
The world's biggest cryptocurrency has become one of the most eye-catching movers in the week since the election and on Wednesday touched record highs. It was last up 5.49 per cent at $93,158
The euro languished at a seven-month trough and the yuan slumped to its lowest in more than three months, with Europe and China both targets of potential Trump tariffs
Trump's decisive victory in the presidential election has prompted celebratory chest-thumping from the digital-asset industry
Japan's Nikkei fell 0.3 per cent. South Korea's Kospi lost 0.9 per cent and Taiwan's benchmark slipped 0.7 per cent
The cryptocurrency climbed as much as 4.7% to an unprecedented $80,092 on Sunday
With a Trump administration expected to take a softer line on cryptocurrency regulation, bitcoin is another potential winner
Cryptocurrencies dropped last week, following a report that US was investigating stablecoin issuer Tether Holdings Ltd. for possible violations of sanctions and anti-money-laundering rules
The digital asset fell 4.7 per cent on Tuesday, the most in nearly a month, after Iran fired about 200 ballistic missiles at Israel in a sharp but brief escalation of hostilities between 2 adversaries
Crypto kiosks dominate the cash-to-crypto industry, which has processed at least $160 million in illicit volumes globally since 2019, according to TRM
The largest digital asset rose as much as 1.2 per cent to $65,030 on Monday before dipping back to $63,780 as of 9:19 a.m. in New York
Among the most well-known buyers that have emerged are hedge funds like Millennium Management, which held shares in at least five Bitcoin ETFs
A government bitcoin stockpile could shore up bitcoin's price.
His public backing of crypto undoubtedly boosted investor optimism. The price of Bitcoin surged to almost US$70,000 on July 29, its highest level in more than six weeks, before dropping to US$62,000
WazirX will socialise the loss and distribute its impact across all the users on the platform
Trump's chances of becoming president again increased after today's developments, according to PredictIt data