Lakshmi Subramanian's book provides a sweeping view of Indian business history, from pre-modern trade to corporate giants like Reliance, highlighting entrepreneurs and industrial evolution
SNGs in India are accountable to the Union government but are not uniformly as diligent in maintaining fiscal resilience and debt sustainability
Why India's democratic system, despite its flaws, is attractive for trade, investment, and economic partnerships
Henry Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, and Craig Mundie unveil a roadmap to balance AI's transformative potential with safeguards for a sustainable, human-centred future
The back cover of The Other Mohan in Britain's Indian Ocean Empire calls it part travelogue, part family history, and scholarly. This reviewer disagrees
Their success is a tribute to the US and its ability to attract the best talent and skills from across the world. Indian Americans have made the most of this open door
Mark L Clifford writes in The Troublemaker, a brisk account of Lai's life and work, the gravity of his predicament began to set in, and Lai sent a laconic WhatsApp message to his associates
The book reveals the India that once was, a plural state for which the liberal elite waxes nostalgic, and the India that could be by defeating rising Islamophobia
Can writers, artists, or citizens exist in a political vacuum? This collection of conversations by Githa Hariharan delves into culture, democracy, and dissent
Could minimalist thinking offer a formula for creative ads? Two IITians outline a step-by-step process in their book
Chitvan Gill explores existential questions that concern and confront each one of us through the stories of residents in an unauthorised colony in Delhi
Jean Baptiste-Fressoz's book exposes how governments and corporations embrace green rhetoric while reinforcing the carbon economy
Mr Musk, after spending more than $250 million on Trump's re-election, has signed on to help slash the federal budget as co-leader
From this book we learn of the trials and tribulations of an MP who wants, in all sincerity, to junk caste and class and just "develop" his constituency
The author concludes that the Chinese leader is determined to strengthen ideology, change global norms in China's favour, and leave a legacy of his thoughts as the driving mandate for the CPC
Some books change the way we think. Others change the way we live. Ultra-Processed People is one such book
At the base of the book is the author's contention that "there are multiple and often competing visions of what it means to be equal and how best to achieve that goal"
Approaching the peak, more than 17,000 feet above sea level, the scene shifted from snow and frozen chasms to eruptions of what were described as "great tongues of flame"
This book is a must-read for people who beat themselves up for failing to avert every environmental disaster that makes it to the news cycle
While many academics and diplomats have penned books and memoirs on foreign policy, S Jaishankar's work offers a blend of hands-on experience, insight, and analysis