FMCG major Nestle India has strong commitments for local manufacturing with plans to invest Rs 4,200 crore by 2025, including in its 10th plant in the country at Odisha, its Chairman and Managing Director Suresh Narayanan said on Friday. Nestle India, the maker of popular Maggi noodles, KitKat chocolate and Nescafe, is investing to create capacity as it sees "fairly robust" demand in coming years in the Indian market. "The investments done are fairly significant... till the first half of 2023, about Rs 2,100 crore already been invested on capital investments," said Narayanan in a media roundtable here. These investments are for augmentation of manufacturing capacity, he said adding a third of that has gone into food space, another one-third on chocolate and confectionary and the rest on nutrition and others. "Another Rs 4,200 crore is being spent between 2023 and 2025. This includes around Rs 900 crore for a new factory in Odisha," he said. Last year in September, Mark Schneider,
Future Retail admitted in a statement that the Covid-19 pandemic had impacted its business significantly
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