A second referendum is the only way out
Victory in the ballot gives the prime minister some breathing space - she cannot be challenged again in this way for a year
EU President Donald Tusk said bloc leaders wanted to help the prime minister but added: 'The question is how'
'We will therefore defer the vote scheduled for tomorrow and not proceed to divide the house of Commons at this time,' says May
May splintered government appears to be facing a heavy defeat in parliament on Tuesday on the draft withdrawal agreement she signed with Brussels last month
May is under pressure from her cabinet to delay the vote and fly to Brussels to secure more concessions ahead of a planned summit with 27 fellow EU leaders, says report
Theresa May, has assured UK citizens that the deal is the best that the UK can achieve
Manufacturers are also seeking a guarantee of free-flowing trade to avoid delays and extra customs checks at ports when future trading rules kick in
As Theresa May returns from Brussels to try and sell her withdrawal deal to parliament, the Union is straining like never before
The biggest concern has been over post-Brexit bilateral rules that would require airlines to have substantial US or British ownership
May has embarked on a nationwide campaign to sell sceptical Britons on the EU divorce arrangement she secured in Brussels last weekend
All leaders had taken the conscious decision not to talk about the possibility of a 'plan B'
Opinions on how the court will approach the case -- and its potential impact -- differ widely
May's next task is to take the deal back to London and try to get it through a vote in Parliament
UK PM, who hopes to seal the deal in Brussels today, faces a daunting challenge winning parliament support, members of her own cabinet and EU diplomats are secretly working on "plan B" proposals
A weak pound drives up costs
Ever since winning the top job in the turmoil that followed the 2016 referendum, May has sought to negotiate a Brexit deal that ensures that the United Kingdom leaves in the smoothest way possible
A timeline of events on Britain's struggle with Brexit
The crisis is a grave one for May, who knew even before the resignations that she would struggle to win Parliamentary approval for her draft agreement
The politics of getting the deal through parliament are immensely fraught and the EU is hanging on a positive answer